Faculty & Staff Resources


Coffee pack recycling

January 2018 - UBC Sauder began working with our beverage supplier, Aramark, to recycle used single-serve drink packets from Faculty and Staff lounge coffee machines. Aramark's single-serve packet recycling program prevents millions of single-serve beverage packets from ending up in a landfill. Instead, the returned packaging is used to create new products made from post-consumer recycled content.


Eco foam soap dispensers

May 2016 - UBC Sauder School of Business had new sustainable Eco Foam Soap introduced in conjunction with UBC Building Operations.  The new soap meets various environmental standards such as LEED, Underwriters Labs’ Ecologo program, etc.


Reducing paper consumption

October 2013 - The UBC Sauder School of Business programmed Xerox multifunctional devices to default to double sided printing.  This significantly reduces the amount of paper being used by the school.


Fair trade coffee

February 2013 - Sauder Events began supplying fair trade coffee for events hosted at Sauder. About 20 million farmers, their families, and many communities in developing areas of Asia, Africa, and Latin America are benefiting from the sale of Fair Trade coffee.  Small-scale coffee farmers receive a fair price for their work, have access to credit and longer-term contracts, and enjoy greater economics and social security.


Recycling and waste management

April 2014 - The UBC Sauder School of Business updated our recycling units to multi stream recycling stations.  These new stations have an additional stream for organic waste, in addition to garbage, container recycling and paper recycling.  This was done in conjunction with UBC's Zero Waste Action Plan and is supported by the Sort it Out communications and engagement campaign.

February 2012 - The UBC Sauder School of Business began installing recycling units.  Staff and Faculty are encouraged to sort all their paper (blue bins) and cans, bottles and containers (gray bins) to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills in Vancouver.  To learn more about the recycling program on UBC Campus please visit UBC Waste Management.


ReUse It! UBC

August 2011 - UBC Sauder School of Business started utlizing ReUse It! UBC.  This is a website designed to facilitate the reuse of low value goods (e.g. office supplies, furniture, etc.) between departments on campus and to minimize the number of reusable items from entering the waste stream.


Purchasing recycled content paper

March 2011 - UBC Sauder School of Business started purchasing paper with a minimum of 30 percent post-consumer waste content.  Making this small paper switch had big impacts, and will bring us in alignment with UBC's paper purchasing standards.  This new purchasing practice will also help reduce the number of trees cut to make paper, as well as the amount of oil used, air pollution emitted, and water and energy needed to produce and transport paper.


Office deskside recycling

December 2011 - UBC Sauder School of Business implemented My Waste containers at all desk locations. My Waste, My Responsibility Deskside recycling program places a personal blue deskside recycling bin, with a small black garbage attachment, in workstations. The bin design empowers people to acknowledge, sort and recycle, or dispose of, their own waste. The bins reflect the typical office waste stream—85 per cent paper and 15 per cent landfill waste. For more information, visit UBC Waste Management.


XEROX - smart solutions

July 2009 - Xerox finished rolling out the new hardware, software, people and management processes.  Thanks to Staff and Faculty input and assistance, we achieved a remarkably smooth transition.  By removing printers and upgrading technology, we have already been able to achieve the following together:  Printers: 55 removed to date; Energy: 41% reduction (Btu/annum); Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 44% reduction; Solid Waste: 60% reduction (ib's/annum); Airborne Emmissions: 40-50% reduction; Waterborne Emmissions: 47% reduction.

May 2009 -  UBC Sauder and Xerox began rolling out the new "Managed Print Services" project across our faculty.  The introduction of new technology enabled improved productivity and reduced the amount of energy we consume.  Cutting edge software was introduced which proactively monitors and manages our faculty's networked equipment.  Specialized resources and processes will be able to provide a much improved level of service.


One less cup

April 2009 - UBC Sauder School of Business adopted the "One Less Cup" program at UBC.  Staff and Faculty are encouraged to bring their own mug/glass when obtaining hot/cold beverages from the 4th and/or 7th floor lounges.  In adopting a greener environment for the UBC Sauder School of Business we will be reducing our daily waste, helping the environment and begin to assist the long-term initiatives that UBC is setting for itself.


Pop can recycling

January 2009 - UBC Sauder School began implementation of the Pop Can Recycling bins.  These bins, dark green/greyish in colour, have been placed throughout the building in connection with the blue recycling bins.  This initiative was at the suggestion of the CUS (Commerce Undergraduate Society) and has helped reduced the school's garbage output.


Electronic waste recycling

1997 - UBC Sauder School of Business has been recycling unwanted or outdated computers, monitors and electronic accessories responsibly.


Printer cartridge recycling

1989 - UBC Sauder School of Business started recycling all used printer cartridges.


If you have any suggestions or comments, please email