Faculty & Staff Resources

Health and safety events for the UBC Sauder community

If you have any suggestions for topics, please email

Previously held events:

2017, December, QPR Suicide Prevention Training
QPR Training is an internationally recognized suicide prevention program designed to help you question, persuade and refer. QPR acts as an emergency mental health intervention that is designed to save lives - much like CPR or other methods of emergency medical intervention. Learn to recognize suicide warning signs, approach someone who may be at risk, persuade the person to seek appropriate health services and connect the person to resources that will help resolve crises. Suicide is preventable. Held on December 6.

2017, October, Thrive Week
Thrive is a mindset and a week-long series of events focused on building positive mental health for everyone at UBC. This year, Sauder's Thrive events include two 5-minute fitness breaks, United Way Chair Race, Lunchtime beginners' yoga class, and Simply Relax chair massage and foot reflexology. Held October 30-November 3.

2017, October, UBC Shakeout: Annual Earthquake Preparedness Drill
Presented by: UBC Risk Management Services
British Columbia is located in one of the most seismically active regions in the world with more than 1,200 earthquakes recorded each year. While most are too small to be felt, the risk of a major one causing significant damage is real. On October 19th at 10:19 a.m. we want you to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON to practice what to do in an earthquake. Being prepared for an earthquake isn't just about getting through the actual event, it's about advanced planning, and knowing what to do when the shaking stops. Practicing helps you react quickly and stay safe.

2017, July, UBC Blood Donor Clinic
Presented by: Canadian Blood Services
You have the power to give life—all it takes is an hour. Over 100 blood donors are needed. Your donation gives someone more time to enjoy and spend time with family and friends; and nothing could be better than that. Join the Sauder Community as we take part in the UBC Blood Donor Clinic, held July 26 at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre.

2017, June-August, Sauder Intramural Soccer Shinny
Back again for its 4th year, come on out and play a lunchtime game of soccer on the grassy area in front of Henry Angus building. Register as a team or as an individual (you will be assigned to a team). Games played Tuesday and Thursday(s), weather permitting. Not a player? Come and watch! Bring your lunch and cheer on your co-workers as they play toward the final Trophy Cup Game. Bring your water bottle! Held June 8-July 20.

2017, June, QPR Suicide Prevention Training
QPR Training is an internationally recognized suicide prevention program designed to help you question, persuade and refer. QPR acts as an emergency mental health intervention that is designed to save lives - much like CPR or other methods of emergency medical intervention. Learn to recognize suicide warning signs, approach someone who may be at risk, persuade the person to seek appropriate health services and connect the person to resources that will help resolve crises. Suicide is preventable. Held on June 7 and 28.

2017, May-June, Bike to Work Week
Presented by: UBC Campus and Community Planning
Time to get your bikes in gear for Bike to Work Week, happening May 29-June 4. Register individually or as a team. Log your trips each day for a change to win some great prizes—including new bikes and a trip to Croatia! Have fun while staying active by stopping by the various Celebration Stations across Vancouver to enjoy free food, drinks, and bike servicing.

2017, May, Blood Pressure Clinic @ UBC Sauder
Presented by: Students in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine
Did you know that May is "Measurement Month", an international initiative started by the World Hypertension League and the International Society of Hypertension? To promote this theme, visit the booths set up on Friday May 12 in CPA Hall to understand the importance of measuring your blood pressure and learn how to avoid high blood pressure. These booths are entirely student run and are part of an interprofessional collaboration between the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine. Held on May 12.

2017, May, UBC Staff & Faculty Sports Day
Presented by: UBC Rec
A free event for all staff, faculty and graduate students. Come and join in, enjoy some fun teamwork games and celebrate the end of the school year! Take a break in your workday to take part in this community-building event, designed to bolster your physical and mental well-being. Held on May 5.

2017, April, Beginner's Yoga Class
Presented by: UBC Rec Centre
Need to release some stress? We are very excited to be offering a free beginner's yoga class at Sauder. Join us at lunchtime to unwind! Held on April 13.

2017, April, Kickboxing at Sauder
Presenter: Sarah DeLorenzo
Let's get out of our chairs and have a little fun! Join from 12:00-12:50 PM to learn the basics of Kickboxing. Held on April 11.

2017, March-April, Sauder Sun Run Clinic
Presenter: Malcolm Smillie, Business Career Centre
Are you participating in this year's Sun Run on April 23? Do you just want some exercise? We have the perfect coach to help you out! Malcolm Smillie from the Sauder Business Career Centre has kindly volunteered his time to be your personal running coach. Not only is Malcolm a certified coach, he is also one of the leading Masters track athletes in the world. He has won provincial and national championships in the 800m and 1500m, and in 2005 competed in the World Masters Games to win gold in the 1500m, and silver in the 800m. His competitive running career has spanned over three decades. 

He is well known throughout the running community in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland both for his competitive achievements and for his work in developing the Sport Medicine Council's Sun Run Training clinics. Malcolm is regarded as one of the founding fathers of the program. Although he has moved on from SportMedBC, he is still very much involved with the sport through his own training, racing, and coaching. 

Come join him and your fellow colleagues to get fit! Held weekly from March 3-April 23.

2017, March, Active Shooter Preparedness
Presenter: Danny Smutylo, UBC Risk Management
You may never encounter an active shooter on a UBC campus. Even so, it could happen—either here or elsewhere. You can make a difference in an active shooter situation by simply imagining how to stay safe where you are. Ask yourself "What if...? Where are the exits? Do the doors lock? Where would be a good place to hide? What would make a good barricade? What would make a good weapon? To ensure you are prepared to respond to an active shooter on campus, UBC has developed a workshop and materials to provide you with the best information available. Held on March 14.

2017, February, UBC Staff & Faculty Traveling Health Fair
Presented by: UBC Health, Wellbeing and Benefits
The 2017 Traveling Health Fair is dedicated to helping you learn about diabetes and how to manage your blood sugar to keep your risk as low as possible. The Fair is open to those with or without diabetes or pre-diabetes. At this FREE health fair, you'll receive baseline health measurements, a personalized risk assessment, education about blood sugar and diabetes, and an individualized action plan. UBC's Health, Wellbeing and Benefits team will also be onsite to provide resources, info and freebies! Held on February 21.

2017, January-March, Walkabout Program
Presented by: Faculty of Education
Walkabout is an annual 9-week health and wellbeing challenge promoting regular exercise in social settings. It was designed and launched in 2005 by Dr. Joy Butler, Faculty of Education, UBC. Everyone is welcome to create teams of five and compete in walking the distance of the virtual route. Set goals, count steps, and stay motivated by keeping active with your group! Held January 16-March 19.

2017, January, Lunch and Learn - "Vocal Health"
Presenter: Linda Rammage, PhD, RSLP, S-LP
A number of factors make instructors susceptible to voice problems: talking in poor acoustic environments, health issues such as dehydration and gastroesophageal reflux, physical responses to psychological stressors, ergonomic conditions that result in poor posture, and inadequate training in good vocal technique. During this tutorial, we will review the factors that make occupational voice users vulnerable to voice problems and address practical approaches to preventing or managing symptoms of occupational voice issues. Held on January 24.

2016, June, Lunch and Learn - "Giving Blood"
Presenter: Cherise Louie

2016, February, 10th Annual Health and Safety Day – Health Fair
Booth participation from: Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation; Canadian Blood Services; Canadian Mental Health Association; Canadian Diabetes Association; The Arthritis Society BC/Yukon Division; Heart and Stroke Foundation; Simply Relax; Vancouver Coastal, Providence Health, Regional Heart Failure Strategy; UBC Automated External Defibrillators; UBC Bookstore; UBC Campus Security; UBC Ergonomics Advisor; UBC Health, Wellbeing and Benefits; UBC Recreation; UBC Sustainability Embassadors.

2016, February, Lunch and Learn – "Mental Health Awareness"
Presenter: Carla Abichahine, MHFA Master Instructor / Public Educator, Principal / CDA Training & Development (Repeat Workshop)

2015, November, Thrive
Presenter: Nicole Yeasting, “5 minute Fitness Break”
Presenter: Simply Relax, On-Site Seated Massage (15 minute Chair Massage)
Presenter: Committee – Potluck Lunch

2015, October, The Great British Columbia Shake Out at 10:15am
UBC Don’t Freek Out – Shake Out.  Drop! Cover! Hold!

2015, June, Lunch and Learn – "Personal Safety"
Presenter: Steve Bohnen, Crime Prevention and Community Relations Officer, UBC Campus Security

2015, April, Lunch and Learn – “Automated External Defibrillators”
Presenter: UBC Risk Management Services and Iridia Medical

2015, March, Lunch and Learn – Mental Health Awareness, “Responding with Respect Workshop – Mental Health Problems in the Workplace”
Invitee: Sandy Tanaka, Graeme A.G. Stamp Award Winner
Presenter: Steve Baik, MCP, RCC.; Canadian Mental Health Association

2015, January, Lunch and Learn – “Zero Waste/Recycling Workshop”
Presenter:  Kara McDougall, UBC Sustainability Engagement Manager

2014, November, Thrive
Presenter: Nicole Yeasting – “5 minute Fitness Break”
Presenter: Committee – “Sauder-wide Salad Potluck Lunch”
Presenter: Ronaye Coulson – “Healthy Sleeping Habits” Lunch and Learn

2014, October, The Great British Columbia Shake Out at 10:16am
UBC Don’t Freek Out – Shake Out.  Drop! Cover! Hold!

2014, July, Lunch and Learn – “Secrets to Building and Maintaining a Healthy Back”
Presenter: Mary Roncarelli, Homewood Health

2014, June, 9th Annual Health and Safety Day – "Earthquake Preparedness" and "Stress Reduction"
Presenter: Jackie Kloosterboer, City of Vancouver and Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program
Presenter:  Sung Yang, Teaching and Director of the Canadian Mental Health Association at South Fraser

2013, December, Introducing Work-A-Nomics
Presenter: Staples Advantage

2013, October, The Great British Columbia Shake Out at 10:17am
UBC Don’t Freek Out – Shake Out.  Drop! Cover! Hold!

2013, June, Cooking Demo
Presenter: Eric Arrouze
Funding received from UBC’s Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program Fund.

2013, May, 8th Annual Health and Safety Day – "Life @ Lunch Wellness Programs"
Presenter: Dr. Alain Desaulniers
“Healthy Living to 100”; “Weight Loss and Nutrition for Maximum Performance”; “Women’s Health”; “Stress”; “Headaches”

2013, February, Traveling Health Fair
Presenter:  UBC Health Promotions Program and UBC Department of Athletics and Recreation
“Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Screening”; “Naturopath Functional Physical”; “Personal Fitness Assessment”; “Bone Density (Osteoporosis) Screenings”; “Anxiety Screening”; and “Fitness on the Move”

2012, November, Thrive – “Raising the Bar: Professionalism and Respect”
Presenter: Sue Wazny, The Neutral Zone Coaching & Consulting Services Inc.

2012, October, The Great British Columbia Shake Out at 10:18am
UBC Don’t Freek Out – Shake Out.  Drop! Cover! Hold!

2012, February, 7th Annual Health and Safety Day – “Zumba”
Presenter: Kirby Rae Snell

2012, February, Traveling Health Fair
Presenter: UBC Health Promotion Programs
“Massage Therapy”; “Anxiety Screenings”; “Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Screenings”; “Acupuncture Assessments”; and “Functional Movement Screenings”

2011, February, 6th Annual Health and Safety Day – “Health with Humour in the Workplace”
Presenter: Cathy Russell

2010, May, Health & Wellness Workshop
Presenter: Dr. Alain Desulniers
Joint with Library, Campus Security and Faculty of Forestry with funding received from UBC’s Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program Fund.

2009, October, 5th Annual Health and Safety Day – “Seasonal Affective Disorder”
Presenter: Dr. Erin Michalak

2008, May, 4th Annual Health and Safety Day – “Drum Circle”
Presenter: Lyle Povah

2006, March, 3rd Annual Health and Safety Day – “Laughter Yoga”
Presenter: Allan O’Meara and David McIntosh

2005, March, 2nd Annual Health and Safety Day
Presenter: Dr. Jonathan Fleming – “Sleep Better, Feel Better; How to Improve Sleeping Habits”
Presenter: Dana Mahan – “Defining Organizational Health”
Presenter: Wilkie Mah – “Tai-chi Demonstration”

2004, February, 1st Annual Health and Safety Day
Presenter: Wellness Centre – “Nutrition on the Run”
Presenter: Gina Vahlas – “How to Set-up your Computer Workstation”
Presenter: Judi Van Swieten – “When Disaster Strikes … will you be ready?”
Presenter: Judith Prat – “Wellness and Balance”