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List of selected recent publications

To read the full content of the publications, please visit UBC Faculty Publications.

2019 (January - present)


Clough, D.R., & Wu, A. (in-press) "Dialogue: Artificial Intelligence, Data-Driven Learning, and the Decentralized Structure of Platform Ecosystems" Academy of Management Review.

Motro, D, Evans, J.B., Ellis, A.P.J., & Benson, L. (2022) "Race and reactions to women's expressions of anger at work: Examining the effects of the 'angry Black woman' stereotype." Journal of Applied Psychology.

Fang, T. P., Wu, A., & Clough, D.R. (2021) "Platform Diffusion at Temporary Gatherings: Social Coordination and Ecosystem Emergence." Strategic Management Journal

Zhong. R., Paluch, R.M., Shum, V., Zatzick, C.D., & Robinson, S.L. (2021). "Hot, cold, or both? A person-centered perspective on death awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic." Journal of Applied Psychology.

Schulz M., & Zhu, K. (2021) "Learning by Connecting: How Rule Networks Evolve Through Discovery of Relevance." Organization Science.

Yu, L., & Duffy, M.K. (2021). "The Whiplash effect. The (Moderating) role of attributed motives in emotional and behavioral reactions to abusive supervision." Journal of Applied Psychology.

Seidel, Marc-David L.; Schwartz, Lyle H.; Jordan, Gretchen B. (2020) "HIBAR Research: The Frontier Is Actually an Ecosystem" Issues in Science and Technology.

Lam, Laura, and Seidel, Marc-David L. (2020) "Hypergrowth Exit Mindset: Destroying Societal Wellbeing Through Venture Capital Biased Social Construction of Value" Journal of Management Inquiry

Clough, D.R. & Piezunka, H. (2020). "Tie Dissolution in Market Networks: A Theory of Vicarious Performance Feedback." Administrative Science Quarterly

Oc, B., Daniels, M.A., Diefendorff, J. M., Bashshur, M. R., Greguras, G. J. (2020). "Humility Breeds Authenticity: How Authentic Leader Humility Shapes Follower Vulnerability and Felt Authenticity." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Evans, J.B., Slaughter J.E., Ellis, A.P.J., & Rivin, J.M. (2019) "Gender and the evaluation of humor at work." Journal of Applied Psychology

Sajjadiani, S., Sojourner, A.J., Kammeyer-Mueller, J.D., Mykerezi, E. (2019). "Using machine learning to translate applicant work history into predictors of performance and turnover." Journal of Applied Psychology.

Zhu, Kejia & Schulz, Martin (2019) “The Dynamics of Embedded Rules: How Do Rule Networks Affect Knowledge Uptake of Rules in Healthcare?” Journal of Management Studies.

van Jaarsveld, Danielle D., Walker, D. David, Restubog, Simon, Skarlicki, Daniel, Chen, YueYang, and Pascale Frické. (2019). "Unpacking the relationship between customer (in)justice and employee turnover outcomes: Can fair supervisor treatment reduce employees’ emotional turmoil?" Journal of Service Research.

Clough, D.R., Pan Fang, T., Vissa, B., & Wu, A. (2019). "Turning Lead Into Gold: How do Entrepreneurs Mobilize Resources to Exploit Opportunities?" Academy of Management Annals, 13(1): 240-271.

Yu, L., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E. May, 2019. "What mindfulness can do for a team." Harvard Business Review.

Daniels, M., & Robinson, S. (2019) "Shame in Organizations: A Review and Synthesis." Journal of Management.

Past publications

  • Array

  • Li, Y., Wang, M., van Jaarsveld, Danielle D., & Ma, D. (2018). "From Employee-experienced high involvement work system to innovation: An emergence-based human resource management framework". Academy of Management Journal. 

    Yu, L., Duffy, M. K., & Tepper, B. J. (2018). "Consequences of downward envy: A model of self-esteem threat, abusive supervision, and supervisory leader self-improvement". Academy of Management Journal 

    Yu, L., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E. (2018). "Introducing team mindfulness and considering its safeguard role against conflict transformation and social undermining". Academy of Management Journal, 61(1), 324-347. 

    Schabram, K., Robinson, S., & Cruz, K. (2018). Honor Among Thieves: The Interaction of Team and Member Deviance on Trust in the Team, Journal of Applied Psychology. 

    Cui, V., Vertinsky, I., Robinson, S.L., Branzei, O. (2018). "Trust in the workplace: The role of social-network diversity in the community and in the workplace". Business and Society, 57(2), 278-412. 

    Hannah, David R., Alan D. Meyer, and Marc-David L. Seidel (2018) "Escape From Abilene: The Developmental Opportunity of the Review Process" Journal of Management Inquiry, volume 27:2 (140-143). 

    Seidel, Marc-David L. (2018) "The Role of Conferences in the Emergence of Developmental Professional Culture" Journal of Management Inquiry, volume 27:2 (149-153). 

    Hannah, David R., Alan D. Meyer, Marc-David L. Seidel, and Richard Stackman (2018) "The Backstory" Journal of Management Inquiry, volume 27:2 (176-177). 

    Seidel, Marc-David L. (2018) "Questioning Centralized Organizations in a Time of Distributed Trust" Journal of Management Inquiry, volume 27:1 (40-44). 

    Strike, Vanessa, Michel A.., and Kammerlander N. (2018) "Unpacking the Black Box of Family Business Advising: Insights From Psychology" Business Review, 31(1): 80-124.

  • Clough, D.R. & Reineke, P. (2017) Untangling the Behavioral and Relational Antecedents of Learning Traps in Inter-Organizational Ties In Guclu Atinc (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-656 

    Seidel, Marc-David L. (forthcoming) “The Role of Conferences in the Emergence of Developmental Professional Culture” Journal of Management Inquiry. 

    Seidel, Marc-David L. (forthcoming) "Open-Source Software" in Laurie A. Schintler, Connie L. McNeely (eds.) Encyclopedia of Big Data. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. 

    Seidel, Marc-David L. (2017) "Network Opportunity Emergence and Identification" Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 50 (141-168). 

    Hannah, David R., Alan Meyer, Seidel, Marc-David L., and Richard Stackman (forthcoming) “The Backstory” Journal of Management Inquiry. 

    Hannah, David R., Alan Meyer, and Seidel, Marc-David L. (forthcoming) “Escape From Abilene: The Developmental Opportunity of the Review Process” Journal of Management Inquiry. 

    Houshmand, Marjan, Seidel, Marc-David L., Ma, Dennis G. (forthcoming) "The Impact of Adolescent Work in Family Business on Child-Parent Relationships and Psychological Well-being" Family Business Review. 

    Konrad, Alison M., Seidel, Marc-David L., Eiston Lo, Arjun Bhardwaj, and Israr Qureshi. (forthcoming) Variety, Dissimilarity, and Status Centrality in MBA Networks: Is the Minority or the Majority More Likely to Network Across Diversity? Academy of Management Learning & Education. 

    Seidel, Marc-David L., and Henrich R. Greve (2017) “Emergence: How Novelty, Growth, and Formation Shape Organizations and Their Ecosystems” Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 50 (1-27). 

    Yu, L., & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E. (in press). Introducing team mindfulness and considering its safeguard role again conflict transformation and social undermining. Academy of Management Journal. 

    Duffy, M. K., Yu, L. (2018). Toxic emotions at work. In Anderson. N., Ones. D. S., Viswesvaran, C., & Sinangil, H. K. (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology, 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications Ltd. 

  • Strike, Vanessa and Rerup, Claus. (June 2016 in press) 'Mediated Sensemaking' Academy of Management Journal. 

    Skarlicki, Daniel, van Jaarsveld, D. D., Shao, Ruodan, Song, YoungHo, and Mo Wang. (2016). Extending the multifoci perspective: The role of supervisor justice and moral identity in the relationship between customer justice and customer-directed sabotage. Journal of Applied Psychology. 

  • Cui, V., Vertinsky, I., Robinson, S. L., Branzei, O. (forthcoming, online Oct 29, 2015). Trust in the workplace: The role of social-network diversity in the community and in the workplace. Business and Society. 

    Williams, J. C., Berdahl, J. L. & Vandello, J. A. (2015). Williams Berdahl Vandello Beyond WorkLife Integration Annual Review of Psychology 67.' Annual Review of Psychology, 67. 

    Berdahl, J. L., Uhlmann, E.L., & Bai, F. (2015). 'Win-win: Female and male athletes from more gender equal nations perform better in international sports competitions.' Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Volume 56: (1-3) 

    Greve, Henrich R., and Seidel, Marc-David L.. (2015) "The Thin Red Line between Success and Failure: Path Dependence in the Diffusion of Innovative Production Technologies" Strategic Management Journal. Volume 36:4(475-496). 

    Robinson, S., Ross-White, A., & Mercado-Mallari, S. (2015). Positive and negative behaviours in workplace relationships: a scoping review protocol. British Medical Journal Open, 5, e007685. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015- 007685. 

    Schulz, M. 2015. The BTF Vision of Unfolding Rule Worlds;Journal of Management Inquiry, 1–2. Sage Publications (DOI: 10.1177/1056492615572545)

  • Seidel, Marc-David L. (2014) "Click-Through Rate" in Kerric Harvey and Geoffrey J. Golson (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, Volume 1(280-282). 

    Robinson, S. L., Kiewitz, C., & Wang, Wei (2014). Coworkers Behaving Badly. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. 

    Robinson, S. L. & Schabram, K. (Forthcoming). Ostracism at Work. To appear in Ostracism, Social Exclusion, & Rejection, Frontiers of Social Psychology, Kipling Williams (Ed). Psychology Press. 

    Robinson, S. L., O’Reilly, J. & Schabram, K. (Forthcoming).The Impact of Ostracism and Social Exclusion on Well-Being. In Robert Giacalone and Mark D. Promislo (Eds.) Handbook of Unethical Work Behavior: Implications for Well-Being, M. E. Sharpe. 

    Crossley, C., Brown, G., & Robinson, S. L. (In press). Psychological Ownership, Territorial Behavior and Perceptions of Performance: The Critical Role of Trust in the Work Environment. Personnel Psychology. 

    Greve, Henrich R. and Seidel, Marc-David L. (2014). "Adolescent Experiences and Adult Work Outcomes: Connections and Causes" Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 25 (1-10). 

    O’Reilly, J., Robinson, S. L., Banki, S., & Berdahl, J.L. (2014). "Is negative attention better than no attention? The comparative effects of ostracism and harassment at work. Organizational Science. 

    Liu, H., van Jaarsveld, D. D., Batt, R., & Frost, A. (2014). The influence of capital structure on strategic human capital: Evidence from US and Canadian firms. Journal of Management. 40: 422-448. 

    Yanadori, Y., & van Jaarsveld, D. D. (2014). The Relationships of Informal High Performance Work Practices to Job Satisfaction and Workplace Profitability. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy & Society. 53(3): 501-534. 

    Walker, D. D., van Jaarsveld, D. D., & Skarlicki, D. (2014). Incivility spirals in customer and employee interactions: The moderating role of negative affectivity and psychological hardiness. Journal of Applied Psychology. 99(1):151-161. 

    Salin, D., Roberge, M. E., Salimaki, A. & Berdahl, J. L. (2014). “I wish I had…”: Target reflections on responses to workplace mistreatment. Human Relations. 

    Houshmand, Marjan, Seidel, Marc-David L., Dennis G. Ma (2014). "Beneficial 'Child Labor': The Impact of Adolescent Work on Future Professional Outcomes" Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 25 (191-220). 

    Schulz, M. 2014 “Logic of Consequences and Logic of Appropriateness”, in: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, edited by Mie Augier and David Teece.

  • Seidel, Marc-David L. (2013) "Open Source Movement" in Vicki Smith and Geoffrey J. Golson (eds.) Sociology of Work. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA (645-647). 

    Kwon, Hyunji, and van Jaarsveld, D.D. (2013). "It's all in the mix: Determinants and consequences of workforce blending in call centers." Human Relations. DOI: 10.1177/0018726712463742

  • Houshmand, M., Robinson, S. L., O’Reilly, J. & Wolff, A. (2012). Escaping Toxicity: The Impact of Being the Target of Aggression and Toxic Work Environments on Turnover Intentions. Human Relations, 65 (7), 901-918. 

    Robinson, S. L., Wang, W., & O’Reilly, J. (2012). Invisible at Work: What We Know and Need to Learn about Ostracism in Organizations. Journal of Management 39, 203-220. 

    Roth, Wendy D., Seidel, Marc-David L., Dennis Ma & Eiston Lo (2012). "In and Out of the Ethnic Economy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Ethnic Networks and Pathways to Economic Success Across Immigrant Categories". International Migration Review. Volume 46:2(310-361). 

  • Seidel, Marc-David L. (2011) “Homophily” in George Barnett (ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA (382-384). 

    Brown, G., & Robinson, S. L. (2011). Reactions to territorial infringement. Organization Science, 22(1), 210-224. 

    Seidel, Marc-David L. and Katherine Stewart (2011). "An Initial Description of the C-form". Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 33(37-72). 

    van Jaarsveld, D. D., and Zuberi, Daniyal (2011)."Introduction to Globalization and the Service Workplace". American Behavioral Scientist, 55(7), 815-822.

  • Bemmels, B., Brown, G., Barclay, L. (2010). The Importance of Policy in Organizational Justice Perceptions. Human Relations. 

    van Jaarsveld, D. D., Walker, D. D., & Skarlicki, D. P. (2010). "The Role of Job Demands and Emotional Exhaustion in the Relationship Between Customer and Employee Incivility." Journal of Management. 36(6): 1486-1504. 

    van Jaarsveld, D. D., & Yanadori, Y. (2010). "Compensation management in outsourced service organizations and its implications for quit rates, absenteeism and workforce performance: Evidence from Canadian call centres." British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 49 (S1) s1-s26. 

    Wolff, A. C., Ratner, P. A., Robinson, S. L., Oliffe, J. L., & Hall, L. (2010). Beyond generational differences: a literature review of the impact of relational diversity on nurses' attitudes and work. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(8), 948-96.

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