Accounting & Information Systems Division

Working Papers

January, 2012 - Present

  • 12-MIS-001 N. Nan and Y. Lu. “Living through Organizational Chaos: The Emergence of Order from Technology-Based Organizing”.
  • 12-MIS-002 J.A. Espinosa, N. Nan, and E. Carmel. “Temporal Distance, Interaction Synchronicity, and Task Performance in Teams”.
  • 12-MIS-003 N. Nan and R. Zmud. “A Review of Conceptions of Organizational IT Infrastructure”.
  • 12-MIS-004 K. Sherif, N. Nan, and J. Brice. “Academia’s Concessions on Relationships, Resources, and Success”.
  • 12-MIS-005 Grange C., and Benbasat, I. “A Theory of Online Social Shopping Network Value,” (submitted to Information Systems Research special issue on ‘Social Media and Business Transformation’, January 2012)
  • 12-MIS-006 Kim, T.H., Lee, J.-N., Chun, J.U., and Benbasat, I. “A Contingency Perspective for Understanding the Impact of Knowledge Management Strategies” (submitted to Journal of Management Information SystemsJanuary 2012)
  • 12-MIS-007 Xu, D., I. Benbasat, and Cenfetelli R., “The Effects of Trade-Off Transparency of Product Attributes on Consumers’ Perceived Decision Quality and Perceived Decision Effort towards Recommendation Agents” (minor revision requested Management Information Systems Quarterly January 2012)
  • 12-MIS-008 Burton-Jones, A. and Grange, C., “From Use to Effective Use: A Representation Theory Perspective” (currently under review)

January, 2011 - December, 2011

  • 11-MIS-001 Suh, K.S. and I. Benbasat, “The Impact of Featured Listings in Online Marketplaces: A Field Experiment” (submitted to International Journal of Electronic Commerce December 2011)
  • 11-MIS-002 Dashti, A., Benbasat, I., Burton-Jones, A, “Differentiating Trust-Received from Trust-Given in Information Systems Research; A Theoretical Perspective” (Management Information Systems QuarterlyNovember 2011)
  • 11-MIS-003 Xu, D., I. Benbasat, and Cenfetelli R., “Integrating service quality with system and information quality: an empirical test in the e-service context,” (2nd revision requested Management Information Systems Quarterly October 2011)
  • 11-MIS-004 Benbasat, I., Dimoka, A., Pavlou, P., and Qiu, L., “Using Functional Neuroimaging Tools to Inform the Design of Anthropomorphic Online Product Recommendation Agents” (revision requested Management Information Systems Quarterly September 2011)
  • 11-MIS-005 Yi, Cheng, Z. Jiang, and I. Benbasat, “How to Arouse Consumer Interest via Seductive Product Presentations: An Experimental Investigation of Online Product Interactivity Design” (second revision resubmitted Information Systems Research September 2011)
  • 11-MIS-006 Wang, W. and I. Benbasat, “”A Contingency Approach for Investigating the Effects of Decision Strategy and User-System Interaction Mode on Web Based Consumer Decision Support Systems” (second revision requested Information Systems Research August 2011)
  • 11-MIS-007 Xu, D., I. Benbasat, and Cenfetelli R., “The Influences of Online Service Technologies and Task Complexity on Perceived Efficiency and Perceived Personalization” (second revision resubmitted to Information Systems Research August 2011)
  • 11-MIS-008 Cenfetelli, R., Benbasat, I., Al-Natour, S. and Grange, C. “Applying Beliefs-Based Theories to Improve EBusiness Interface Design: The Case of E-Business Service Functionality” (a new submission requested Management Information Systems Quarterly August 2011)
  • 11-MIS-009 Bulgurcu, B., Cavusoglu, H. and I. Benbasat, “The Impacts of Quality and Fairness of an Information Security Policy on Employees’ Security Engagement in the Workplace: An Empirical Investigation” (revision requested Information and Management, 2011)
  • 11-MIS-010 Cavusoglu, Huseyin, Cavusoglu, Hasan, Son, Jai, and I. Benbasat, “Information Security Controls in Organizations: Multidimensionality of the Construct and a Nomological Model” (3rd resubmission Journal of the Association for Information Systems March 2011)
  • 11-MIS-011 Yi, Cheng, Z. Jiang, and I. Benbasat, “Towards organized search and unexpected discoveries: investigating the impacts of product tags and featured users in online product search” (new submission requested Management Information Systems Quarterly January 2011)
  • 11-MIS-012 Burton-Jones, A. and Lee, A., “A Measurement Framework for Critical Realist Research” (currently under review)
  • 11-MIS-013 Burton-Jones, A. and Lee, A., “The Hermeneutics of Measurement: Principles and Implications for Quantitative and Qualitative Research” (currently under review)
  • 11-MIS-014 Burton-Jones, A., McLean, E., and Monod E., “Moving Beyond the Process/Variance Orthodoxy to a Broader Range of Possibilities” (currently under review)
  • 11-MIS-015 Bera, P., Burton-Jones, A., and Wand, Y., “How Domain Knowledge Moderates the Effect of Ontological Clarity on Understanding Conceptual Models,” (currently under review)
  • 11-MIS-016 Bera, P., Burton-Jones, A., and Wand,Y., “Using Roles in Conceptual Modeling: A Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence,” (currently being revised for submission)

January, 2010 - December, 2010

  • 10-MIS-001 Guvence, C., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R., “IT-mediated customer services in B2B exchanges: Costs, Benefits, and Impact on Adoption” (revision requested Information Systems Research August 2010).
  • 10-MIS-002 Bassellier, G. and R.T. Cenfetelli , “Knowledge Transfer in Cross-Functional IT Project Teams: The Role of Trust and Domains of Competence Necessary for Building Trust,” Under 1st revision with European Journal of Information Systems (submitted July 2010).
  • 10-MIS-003 Centefelli, Benbasat, Al-Natour, and Grange, “Applying Beliefs-Based Theories to Improve E-Business Interface Design: The Case of E-Business Service Functionality” with . Under 1st revision at MIS Quarterly (submitted April 2010).
  • 10-MIS-004 Centefelli, Guvence-Rodoper, and Benbasat, “Adoption of B2B E-marketplaces: Effects of IT-Enabled Website Services, Website Functionality, Benefits, and Costs”. Under 1st review at Information Systems Research (submitted April 2010).
  • 10-MIS-005 Centefelli, Xu, and Benbasat, “Integrating Service Quality with System and Information Quality: An Empirical Test in the E-service Context”. Under 2nd revision with MIS Quarterly (submitted April 2010).
  • 10-MIS-006 Centefelli, Xu, and Benbasat, “The Influence of Service Technologies on Online Service Quality”. Under 1st revision at Information Systems Research (submitted March 2010).
  • 10-MIS-007 Schwarz A., Schwarz C. and Cenfetelli R.T., ‘Towards an Understanding of the IT Rejection Decision: A Discriminant Analysis Approach”. Under first review with MIS Quarterly.

January, 2009 - December, 2009

  • 09-MIS-001 Centefelli and Bassellier, “The Nature and Role of Emotions in Technology Adoption: A Decision-Making Perspective”. Under 1st revision at MIS Quarterly (submitted October 2009).
  • 09-MIS-002 Huseyin Cavusoglu, Hasan Cavusoglu, Jai-Yeol Son, and Izak Benbasat, “Information Security Control Resources in Organizations: A Multidimensional View and Their Key Drivers.” (Final title “Interpretation of Formative Measurement in IS Research”).

January, 2008 - December, 2008

  • 08-MIS-001 Ronald T. Cenfetelli & Geneviève Bassellier, “The Analysis and Interpretation of Formative Constructs in IS Research using PLS and Covariance-based Techniques.”

January, 2007 - December, 2007

  • 07-MIS-001 Bera, Palash and Wand, Yair, “Conceptual Models For Knowledge Management Systems.”
  • 07-MIS-002 Al-Natour, S., Benbasat, I., and Cenfetelli, R.T., “The Adoption and Use of Online Shopping Assistants: A Similarity-Consistency Model.”
  • 07-MIS-003 Burton-Jones, A., and Straub, D.W., “A Comprehensive Framework for Dealing with Method Variance in IS Research,” under second round review, MIS Quarterly.
  • 07-MIS-004 Burton-Jones, A., McLean, E.R., and Monod, E., “In Pursuit of MIS Theories: Process, Variance, and Systems,” being prepared for second round review, MIS Quarterly.
  • 07-MIS-005 Burton-Jones, A., and Peso, P., “Better Conceptual Models of a Domain (May) Provide Analysts with More Understanding but Analysts May Not Perceive This,” Submitted for first round review, Journal of the Association of Information Systems.

January, 2006 - December, 2006

  • 06-MIS-001 Son, J. and Kim, S., “Internet Users’ Information Privacy-protective Responses (IPPR): A Taxonomy and a Nomological Model”.
  • 06-MIS-002 Singh, S.N., and Woo, C.C., “Towards Understanding the Gap Between Information Systems Requirements and Business Strategies”.
  • 06-MIS-003 Glover, S. and Benbasat, I. “The Salient Beliefs of e-Commerce Transaction Perceived Risk” Working paper, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada, 2006.
  • 06-MIS-004 Monu, K. and Woo, C.C., “Supplementing Information Systems Analysis Using Intelligent Agent Concepts”.
  • 06-MIS-005 Kim, D. and Benbasat, I. “Current Usage of Trust Assurances in Internet Stores.”

January, 2005 - December, 2005

  • 05-MIS-001 Chwelos, Paul, Brydon, Michael, Benbasat, Izak, “Fooling Most of the People Most of the Time: Combating Reputation Manipulation on eBay.”
  • 05-MIS-002 Qiu, L., Jiang, J., and Benbasat, I., “Real Experience in a Virtual Store: Designing for Presence in Online Shopping.”
  • 05-MIS-003 Chwelos, Paul, Dhar, Tirtha, “Caveat Emptor: Differences in Online Reputation Mechanisms.”
  • 05-MIS-004 Cenfetelli, Ronald T., Benbasat, Izak, Al-Natour, Sameh, “Information Technology Mediated Customer Service: A Functional Perspective.”
  • 05-MIS-005 Kim, S., and Son, J., “Out of Affection or Fear? Customer Loyalty versus Perceived Switching Costs in the Context of Web-Enabled B2C Services.”
  • 05-MIS-006 Jerry Hausman, P. Chwelos, and I. Cockburn, “Measurement of the Change in Economic Efficiency from New Product Introduction.”
  • 05-MIS-007 Storey, V.C., Burton-Jones, A.., Sugumaran, V., and Purao, S. “Making the Web More Semantic: A Methodology for Context-Aware Query Processing,” presently being prepared for second round review, Information Systems Research, 38 pp.
  • 05-MIS-008 Burton-Jones, A., McLean, E.R., and Monod. E., “In Pursuit of MIS Theories: Process, Variance, and Systems,” presently being prepared for second round review, MIS Quarterly, 36 pp.
  • 05-MIS-009 Burton-Jones, A. and Straub, D.W., “A Comprehensive Approach for Dealing with Method Variance in IS Research,” presently under first review, MIS Quarterly, 60 pp.
  • 05-MIS-010 Burton-Jones, A. and Straub, D.W., “A Multilevel Investigation of the Relationship Between System Usage and Task Performance,” presently under first review, MIS Quarterly, 50 pp.
  • 05-MIS-011 Cavusoglu, Huseyin, Hasan Cavusoglu, Jai-Yeol Son and Izak Benbasat,“Information Security Controls in Organizations: Multidimensionality of the Construct and a Nomological Model”
  • 05-MIS-012 Hasan. Cavusoglu, Huseyin. Cavusoglu, and S. Raghunathan, “Selecting a Customization Strategy Under Competition: Mass Customization, Targeted Mass Customization, and Product Proliferation” (Forthcoming)
  • 05-MIS-013 Hasan Cavusoglu, Huseyin Cavusoglu and Jun Zhang, “Security Patch Management: Share the Burden or Share the Damage?”
  • 05-MIS-014 Huseyin Cavusoglu, Srinivasan Raghunathan and Hasan Cavusoglu, “Are Two Security Technologies Better Than One? Value of Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems.”

January, 2004 - December, 2004

  • 04-MIS-001 Wang, W. and Benbasat, Izak, “Trust and TAM for Online Recommendation Agents”
  • 04-MIS-002 Wang, W. and Benbasat, Izak, “Impact of Explanations on Trust in Online Recommendation Agents”
  • 04-MIS-003 Wang, W. and Benbasat, Izak, “Trust and Distrust Building Processes in Online Recommendation Agents: A Process-Tracing Analysis”
  • 04-MIS-004 Cenfetelli, R. “Getting in Touch with Our Feelings Towards Technology”
  • 04-MIS-005 Son, Jai-Yeol and Benbasat, Izak“Organizational Adoption and Use of B2B Electronic Marketplaces: Efficiency- and Legitimacy-oriented Perspectives”
  • 04-MIS-006 Son, Jai-Yeol, Tu, Lingling, and Benbasat, I. “An Investigation into Trust-Building Measures in B2B Electronic Marketplaces: A Content Analysis Approach”
  • 04-MIS-007 Son, Jai-Yeol, Sung, S. Kim, and Riggins, Frederick J. “Integrating Transaction Cost Theory with a Modified TAM Model: An Application on the Consumer Adoption of Net-Enable Infomediaries”
  • 04-MIS-008 Cenfetelli, R. and I. Benbasat, “Measuring Information Technology Mediated Customer Service: A Functional Perspective” (under revision with Management Science, May 2004)
  • 04-MIS-009 Nevo, D., Benbasat, I., and Wand, Y., “The role of Knowledge and source Attributes in the Knowledge Adoption Decision of Individuals” (under revision with Management Information Systems Quarterly, June 2004)
  • 04-MIS-010 Nevo, D., Benbasat, I., and Wand, Y., “Identifying Meta-knowledge for Knowledge Management Systems – a Delphi Study” (resubmitted to Journal of AIS, July 2004)
  • 04-MIS-011 Kim, D. and Benbasat, I., “The Effect of Trust Assuring Arguments on Customer Trust in Internet Stores” (submitted to Management Information Systems Quarterly, April 2004)
  • 04-MIS-012 Kumar, N. and Benbasat, I. “The Impact of Adaptiveness and Connectivity on Customers Evaluations of a Web Site” (under review with Management Information Systems Quarterly, April 2004)
  • 04-MIS-013 Zhu, L. and Benbasat, I., “Let’s Shop Online Together: An Empirical Investigation of Collaborative Online Shopping Support” (under review with Management Information Systems Quarterly, May 2004).
  • 04-MIS-014 Al-Natour, S. and Benbasat, I., “Relationship Building in E-commerce: A Dynamic Systems Perspective, Working paper, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada.
  • 04-MIS-015 Xiao, B. and Benbasat, I., “Customer Decision Support System for E-Commerce: Design and Adoption of Product Recommendation Agents, Working paper, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada.
  • 04-MIS-016 Hasan Cavusoglu, Huseyin Cavusoglu and Srinivasan Raghunathan, “How to Disclose Software Vulnerabilities Responsibly.”
  • 04-MIS-017 Rajiv Banker, Hasan Cavusoglu and Nanda Kumar, “Investments in Technology and Value Appropriation.”

January, 2003 - December, 2003

  • 03-MIS-001 Qiu, L. and I. Benbasat, “Make the ‘Live Help’ Alive: The Effects of Text-To-Speech Voice and 3D Avatar on Perception of Presence and Flow in Electronic Shopping”
  • 03-MIS-002 Wang, W. and I. Benbasat, “An Empirical Investigation of Intelligent Agents for E-Business Customer Relationship Management: A Knowledge
  • Management Perspective”
  • 03-MIS-003 Lee, Young Eun, and Benbasat, Izak, “The Interface Design for Mobile Commerce”
  • 03-MIS-004 Lee, Young Eun and Suh, Kil Soo, “The Effect of Virtual Reality on Consumer Learning in Web-based Electronic Commerce”
  • 03-MIS-005 Cenfetelli, R.T., and Benbasat, I., “Measuring Information Technology Mediated Customer Service: A Functional Perspective”
  • 03-MIS-006 Cenfetelli, R.T. and Benbasat, I., “Frustrated Incorporated: An Exploration of the Inhibitors of Information Technology Mediated Customer Service”
  • 03-MIS-007 Cenfetelli, R.T. and Benbasat, I., “A Four Factor Model of Information Technology Mediated Customer Service”
  • 03-MIS-008 Son, Jai-Yeol, Narasimhan, Sridhar and Riggins, Frederick J., “Increasing IOS Usage with Trading Partners: Use of Influence Strategies and Channel Climate in the Customer-Supplier Relationship”
  • 03-MIS-009 Kim, D. and I. Benbasat, “The effects of trust assuring arguments on consumers’ trust in Internet stores”

January, 2002 - December, 2002

  • 02-MIS-001 Son, Jai-Yeol; Narasimhan, S.; Riggins, F.J. “Determinants of EDI Use In The Dyadic customer-Supplier Relationship: Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Perspectives”
  • 02-MIS-002 John Tillquist, Dorothy Wong, Carson Woo “The Strategic Feasibility of Intelligent Agents”
  • 02-MIS-003 Dorit Nevo, Yair Wand “A Framework to Evaluate Knowledge Management Systems”
  • 02-MIS-004 Kim, D. and I. Benbasat “Trust-Related Arguments in Internet Stores: A Framework for Evaluation.”
  • 02-MIS-005 Arazy, Ofer and Woo, Carson “Automatically Extracting the Semantics of Text Documents in Open Environments”
  • 02-MIS-006 Xiao, Sherrie and Benbasat, Izak “Understanding the Trust-formation Processes for Recommendation Agents in Electronic Agents”
  • 02-MIS-007 Xiao, Sherrie and Benbasat, Izak “The Impact of Internalization and Familiarity on Trust and Adoption of Recommendation Agents”
  • 02-MIS-008 Xiao, Sherrie and Benbasat, Izak “How Does an Individual Decision-maker Process the Conflicting Advice in Intelligent Systems? – The Mediating Role of Information Processing Strategy on an Individual’s Decision-making and His Trust”

January, 2001 - December, 2001

  • 01-MIS-001 Kedrosky, P.S., Huff, S. “Information Effects in the Software Market”01-MIS-002 John Tillquist, John King, and Carson Woo, “Modeling IT and Organizational Coordination: The Dependency Network Diagram”.
  • 01-MIS-003 John Tillquist, John King, and Carson Woo, “A Representational Schema for Analyzing Information Technology and Interorganizational Dependency”.
  • 01-MIS-004 Lim, K. and I. Benbasat, “The Influence of Multimedia in Improving the Comprehension of Organizational Information”. October 2001.
  • 01-MIS-005 Teo, H.H., Wei K.K., and I. Benbasat, “Producing Predicts Toward IT-Based Interogranizational Linkages: An Institutional Perspective”, May 2001.
  • 01-MIS-006 Lim, K., Sia, C.L., Lee, M., and I. Benbasat, “How Do I Trust You Online, and If So, Will I buy?: An Empirical Study on Designing Web Contents to Develop Online Trust”, September 2001.
  • 01-MIS-007 Xiao, Sherrie and Benbasat, Izak, “Understanding Customer Trust in Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce, Web-mediated Electronic Commerce, and Traditional Commerce”

January, 2000 - December, 2000

  • 00-MIS-001 Jung, D., Wand, Y., and Woo, C. “Object-Oriented Modeling: From Enterprise Model to Logical Design.
  • 00-MIS-002 Benbasat, I., E. Smythe, and Todd, P. “Working Harder or Working Smarter: The Influence of Decision Support and Incentives on Decision Making in Risky Choice Problems”.
  • 00-MIS-003 Lee, H. K., K.S. Suh, and I. Benbasat, “Effects of Task-Modality Fit on User Performance”.
  • 00-MIS-004 Nah, F.H., and Benbasat, I., “Use of Knowledge-Based Systems for Group Support: A Comparison of Expert versus Novice Decision Makers”.
  • 00-MIS-005 Nah, F.H., and Benbasat, I., “Use of Knowledge-Based Systems for Group Support: An Empirical Investigation:.
  • 00-MIS-006 Hebert, M., and Benbasat, I., “Impact of IT-Based Patient Care Systems on Health Care Professionals in Community Hospitals”.
  • 00-MIS-007 Mao, Jiye and I. Benbasat, “The Effects of Contextualized Access to Explanatory Knowledge on Judgments”, 2000.
  • 00-MIS-008 A. Gemino and Y. Wand, Comparing Object Modeling with Structured Analysis Methods, June 2000.
  • 00-MIS-009 A. Gemino, Y. Wand, Comparing Mandatory and Optional Properties in Conceptual Data Modeling, July 2000.
  • 00-MIS-010 J. Parsons and Y. Wand, Using Property Precedence to Support Semantic Interoperability, July 2000.
  • 00-MIS-011 D. Nevo and Y. Wand, Using Ontologies to Support Knowledge Sharing in Organizations (Research in Progress)
  • 00-MIS-012 Bassellier, G., I. Benbasat, and B. H. Reich, “Development of Measures of IT Competence in Business Managers”, October 2000.
  • 00-MIS-013 Wand, Y., Evermann, J., “Ontological Analysis of UML Constructs”, December 2000.
  • 00-MIS-014 Wand, Y., Nevo, D., “Towards a Formalized Model of Knowledge Sharing”, December 2000.

January, 1999 - December, 1999

  • 99-MIS-001 Wand, Y. and C. Woo: “Ontology-Based Rules for Object-Oriented Enterprise Modeling”.99-MIS-002 Wand, Y., C. Woo and S. Hui: “Developing Business Models to Support Information System Evolution”.
  • 99-MIS-003 Benbasat, I., G. Bassellier, B.H. Reich: “IT Competence in Business Managers: A Definition and Research Model”.
  • 99-MIS-004 Arazy O. and C. Woo: “Analysis and Design of Agent-Oriented Information Systems”.
  • 99-MIS-005 Wand, Y., C Woo and S. Hui, “Linking Information Systems Architecture to the Business Model”

January, 1998 - December, 1998

  • 98-MIS-001 Lim, K., I. Benbasat and L. Ward: “The Role of MultiMedia in Changing First Impression Bias”.98-MIS-002 Gregor, S. and I. Benbasat: “Explanations from knowledge-based systems: a review of theoretical, foundations and empirical work”.
  • 98-MIS-003 Chwelos, P., I. Benbasat and A.S. Dexter: “The Adoption of Electronic Data Interchange”.
  • 98-MIS-004 Siau, K.L., Y. Wand and I. Benbasat: “An Empirical Study of the Role of the Relationship Construct in Information Modeling”.
  • 98-MIS-005 Smythe, E.: “Investigating Elements of Process in Information Systems Development”
  • 98-MIS-006 Smythe, E.: “IS Methods in BPR Practice: A View From The List”

January, 1997 - December, 1997

  • 97-MIS-001 K. Lim and I. Benbasat: “The Influence of MultiMedia in Improving the Comprehension of Organizational Information”.97-MIS-002 K. Lim and I. Benbasat: “The Effect the Perception of the Ambiguity and Usefulness of Information”.
  • 97-MIS-003 G. Bassellier, B.H. Reich and I. Benbasat: “Defining IT Competence in Business Managers”.
  • 97-MIS-004 Robbie T. Nakatsu and I. Benbasat: “Assessing Mental Models in Information Systems Research: Techniques for Capturing and Evaluating Mental Models, and Research Challenges”.
  • 97-MIS-005 Yair Wand, Ron Weber and Veda C. Storey: “An Ontological Analysis of Conceptual Modeling Practices”
  • 97-MIS-006 Fan Chun and Carson C. Woo: “Resolving Budget Discrepancy Between Autonomous Organizational Units”

January, 1996 - December, 1996

  • 96-MIS-001 Jiye Mao and Izak Benbasat: “The Effects of Hypertext-Based Explanations in Knowledge-Based systems on Explanation Use and Knowledge Transfer”.96-MIS-002 Jiye Mao and Izak Benbasat: “Exploring the Use of Hypertext-Based Explanations in Knowledge-Based Systems: A Process-Tracing Analysis”.
  • 96-MIS-003 Charalambos L. Iacovou and Albert S. Dexter: “Explanations Offered by IS Managers to Rationalize Project Failures”.
  • 96-MIS-004 Marius A. Janson and Carson C. Woo: “A Speech Act Lexicon: An Alternative Use of Speech Act Theory in Information Systems”.
  • 96-MIS-005 Peter Todd and Izak Benbasat: “Exploring the Impact of Cognitive Effort & Involvement on Decision Aid Usage”.
  • 96-MIS-006 Peter Todd and Izak Benbasat: “Decision Aids and Compensatory Information Processing”.
  • 96-MIS-007 Y. Wand, C. Woo and A. Gemino: “An Empirical Comparison of Object Oriented Analysis and Data Flow Diagrams”

January, 1995 - December, 1995

  • 95-MIS-001 K. Siau, Y. Wand & I. Benbasat: “An Experimental Study on User Interpretation of Relationship Concept in Conceptual Modeling”.95-MIS-002 K. Siau, Y. Wand & I. Benbasat: “A Psychological Study on the Use of Relationship Concept — Some Preliminary Findings”.
  • 95-MIS-003 L. H. Lim & I. Benbasat: “Impact of Group Support Systems on Representativeness Bias: An Experimental Investigation”.
  • 95-MIS-004 L. H. Lim & I. Benbasat: “Expanding the Horizon of Avilability: An Empirical Study of the Impact of Group Support Systems on Availability Bias”.
  • 95-MIS-005 B. Nault, A. Dexter & R. Wolfe: “Support Strategies to Foster Adoption of Interorganizational Innovations”.
  • 95-MIS-006 M. Brydon: “Object Orientation in Manufacturing: Panacea or Pitfall?”

January, 1994 - December, 1994

  • 94-MIS-001 J. Mao, I. Benbasat & J.S. Dhaliwal: “Enhancing Explanations in Knowledge-Based Systems With Hypertext”.
  • 94-MIS-002 J. Dhaliwal & I. Benbasat: “The Use and Effects of Knowledge-Based System Explnations: Theoretical Foundations and A Framework for Empirical Evaluation”.
  • 94-MIS-003 A. Trice: “A Methodology for Comparing Independent Cognitive Maps in Group Support Systems”.
  • 94-MIS-004 B. H. Reich & I. Benbasat: “Investigating the Linkage Between Business Objectives and Information Technology Objectives”.
  • 94-MIS-005 K. L. Siau, Y. Wand & I. Benbasat: “The Use of the Relationship Construct in Conceptual Modeling”.
  • 94-MIS-006 R. Goldstein & Linchi Shea: “Computer-Supported Facilitatin of GSS Meetings”.
  • 94-MIS-007 C. Martens & C. Woo: “OASIS: An Integrative Toolkit for Developing Autonomous Applications in Decentralized Environments”.
  • 94-MIS-008 J. S. Dhaliwal & I. Benbasat: “An Experimental Investigation of the Determinants and Consequences of the Use of Explanations in Knowledge-Based Systems”.
  • 94-MIS-009 K. Lim, L. Ward & I. Benbasat: “An Empirical Study of Mental Models and Computer System Learning”.
  • 94-MIS-010 C. L. Iacovou, I. Benbasat & A. Dexter: “Electronic Data Interchange and Small Organizations: Adoption and Impact of the Technology”.
  • 94-MIS-011 B.R. Nault, A.S. Dexter & R. Wolfe: “Designing Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Adopting Interorganizational Innovations.”
  • 94-MIS-012 R. Goldstein, V. Storey, R. Chiang, D. Sundaresan & A. Sundarrajan: “A Commonsense Business Reasoner for Database Design Systems”.
  • 94-MIS-013 R. Goldstein, & H.C. Chan: “A Knowledge-Level User-Database Interface”.
  • 94-MIS-014 R. C. Goldstein & L. Shea: “Facilitation Support in GSS Meetings”.
  • 94-MIS-015 Y. Wand & R. Y. Wang: “Anchoring Data Quality Dimensions in Ontological Foundations”

January, 1993 - December, 1993

  • 93-MIS-001 J. Parsons & Y. Wand: “Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: A Representation View”.(Formerly 92-MIS-008).93-MIS-002 V.S. Rao & A. Monk: “The Effects of Anonymity and Individual Differences on Commitment to Decisions: An Empirical Study”.
  • 93-MIS-003 P. Todd & I. Benbasat: “The Influence of Decision Aids on Choice Strategies Under Conditions of High Cognitive Load”.
  • 93-MIS-004 Y. Wand & R. Weber: “On the Ontological Expressiveness of Information Systems Analysis and Design Grammars”.
  • 93-MIS-005 J. Mao & I. Benbasat: “Hypertext Versus Human Associative Memory: A Comparison and a Model”.
  • 93-MIS-006 R. Goldstein, S. Rao & A. Trice: “MeetingPlace: The Customizable Group Support Environment”.
  • 93-MIS-007 B. Nault, A. Dexter & R. Wolfe: “Electronic Communication Innovations: Addressing Adoption Resistance”.
  • 93-MIS-008 B. Nault & A. Dexter: “Adoption, Transfers, and Incentives in a Franchise Network with Positive Externalities”.
  • 93-MIS-009 S. Rathie, & F. Hoon Nah (Ph.D. Student, Commerce, UBC), S. Flinn, J. Boritz & K.S. Booth (Computer Sci. UBC): “Applying Co-Discovery Learning to a Group Support System Usability Evaluation”.
  • 93-MIS-010 A. Trice & R. Davis: “Heuristics for Reconciling Independent Knowledge Bases.”
  • 93-MIS-011 B. Reich & I. Benbasat: “Development of Measures to Investigate the Linkage Between Business and Information Technology Objectives”.
  • 93-MIS-012 V. Srinivasan Rao, V.M. Desroches & P. Trapnell: “The Effect of Workplace Reticence on Preference for Meeting Type: An Empirical Study”.
  • 93-MIS-013 D. Paulson & Y. Wand: “SELMA- A Systems Analysis Methodology with Ontological Foundations.” *This paper is no longer available in any form.
  • 93-MIS-014 K.H. Lim, I. Benbasat & P. Todd: “An Experimental Investigation of the Cognitive Processing Effort Involved in Direct Manipulation and Menu-Based Interfaces.”
  • 93-MIS-015 Y. Wand: “Ontology as a Foundation for Meta-Modelling and Method Engineering”.
  • 93-MIS-016 Y. Wand & C. Woo: “Object-Oriented Analysis – Is It Really That Simple?”.
  • 93-MIS-017 R. Goldstein & C. Wagner: “Database Management with Sequence Trees and Tokens: A Layered Approach to Value Storage”.
  • 93-MIS-018 R. Goldstein, V. Storey & H-L. Yang: “The Semantic Integrity Constraint Representation Model”.
  • 93-MIS-019 R. Goldstein, V. Storey & H-L. Yang: “Semantic Integrity Constraints in Knowledge-Based Database Design Systems”.

January, 1992 - December, 1992

  • 92-MIS-001 Albert S. Dexter, Marius A. Janson, Enn Kiudorf, Jüri Laast-Laas: “Key Information Technology Issues in Estonia: Definition and Measurement”92-MIS-002 Clarence Martens & Carson C. Woo: “OASIS2: An Environment for Developing Organizational Computing Systems.
  • 92-MIS-003 Y. Wand & R. Weber: “On the Ontological Completeness of Information Systems Analysis and Design Grammars”. (submitted to the Annual International Conference on Information Systems (Dallas, December 1992)
  • 92-MIS-004 J. Parsons & Y. Wand: “Guidelines for Choosing Class Hierarchy in Systems Analysis”, submitted to the Annual International Conference on Information Systems (Dallas, December 1992)
  • 92-MIS-005 “B.H. Reich & I. Benbasat: “A Model for the Investigation of Linkage Between Business and Information Technology Objectives”.
  • 92-MIS-006 V.S. Rao: “Dimensions of Satisfaction In Teleconferencing: An Exploratory Analysis”.
  • 92-MIS-007 V.S. Rao “”Effects of Teleconferencing Technologies: An Exploration of Comprehension, Feedback, Satisfaction and Role-related Differences”.
  • 92-MIS-008 J. Parsons and Y. Wand “The Object Paradigm as representational model”. (New WP number and title. Please see 1993 WP List #93-MIS-001).
  • 92-MIS-009 M. Johnston, Yair Wand & M. Curran: “An Expert System to Support Site Preparation Decisions Related to Reforestation”.
  • 92-MIS-010 Y. Wand and C. Woo: “A Formal Model for analyzing Organizational Computing Concepts”.
  • 92-MIS-011 Y. Wand, V. Storey and R. Weber: “On the Meaning of Relationship in Database Design”.
  • 92-MIS-012 A. Trice & R. Davis: “Heuristics for Reconciling the Knowledge of Multiple Experts”.
  • 92-MIS-013 A. Trice: “User Interface Aids for Consensus Formation in Knowledge Acquisition”.
  • 92-MIS-014 A.S. Dexter & T. Suravongtrakul: “Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Key Audit Issues”.
  • 92-MIS-015 Wai-Lan Luk & V.S. Rao: “Multi-user Interface Design for Group Ranking: An Observe-and-Mimic Approach”.

January, 1991 - December, 1991

  • 91-MIS-001 Marius A. Janson, Carson C. Woo: “A Speech Act Lexicon for Information Systems Analysis”91-MIS-002 Yair Wand, Ron Weber: “On the Deep Structure of Information Systems”
  • 91-MIS-003 Ken Takagaki, Yair Wand: “An Object-Oriented Information Systems Model Based on Ontology”
  • 91-MIS-004 Jeffrey Parsons, Yair Wand: “The Object Paradigm: “Two for the Price of One” (formerly – The Object Paradigm: Contexts, Confusion and Consequences)
  • 91-MIS-005 Barrie R. Nault, Albert S. Dexter: “Pricing Information Technology to Customer Firms: Evidence”
  • *91-MIS-006 Carson C. Woo: “Communication Tools for Facilitating the Automation of Semi-Structured and Recurring Negotiations in Organizations”. (* Published in 1992: See end of Listings).
  • 91-MIS-007 Peter Todd, Izak Benbasat: “The Influence of Decision Aids on Choice Strategies: An Analysis of Cognitive Effort
  • 91-MIS-008 R.C. Goldstein, V.C. Storey: “Data Abstractions: The Impact on Database Management”.
  • 91-MIS-009 R.C. Goldstein, V.C. Storey: “Materialization”
  • 91-MIS-010 R.C. Goldstein, V.C. Storey: “Commonsense Reasoning in Database Design Expert Systems”
  • 91-MIS-011 R.C. Goldstein, V.C. Storey: “Acquiring Commonsense Business Knowledge”
  • 91-MIS-012 Yair Wand, Ron Weber: “A Unified Model of Software and Data Decomposition”
  • 91-MIS-013 Man Kit Chang, Carson C. Woo: “SNAP: A Communication Protocol for Negotiations”
  • 91-MIS-014 Marius A. Janson, Carson C., Woo, L. Douglas Smith: “The Role of Communicative Action in Developing Decision Support Systems: A Case Study”
  • 91-MIS-015 Yair Wand, Carson C. Woo: ” An Approach to Formalizing Organizational Open Systems Concepts”
  • 91-MIS-016 V. Srinivasan Rao: “Computer Support of Group Decision Making: Its Role in Organizational Decision Making”
  • 91-MIS-017 Veda C. Storey, Robert C. Goldstein: “Knowledge-Based Approaches to Database Design”
  • 91-MIS-018 V. Srinivasan Rao, Rebecca Luk: “Computer Support of Groups: A Problem-driven Analysis”
  • 91-MIS-019 Feng Lu, Carson C. Woo: “A Decision Support Model for Commitments”
  • 91-MIS-020 Lai-Huat Lim, Izak Benbasat: “The Effects of Group Support System on Group Meeting Process and Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis”
  • 91-MIS-021 Thomas H. Hofbauer, Carson C. Woo: “A Distributed Case-Based Decision Support Model”
  • 91-MIS-022 Albert S. Dexter, Barrie R. Nault: “Adoption, Transfers, and Incentives in a Network with Positive Externalities”

January, 1990 - December, 1990

  • 90-MIS-001 Albert S. Dexter, John A. Graham, Sid L. Huff: “The Issues of Concern to Information Systems Managers: A Survey”90-MIS-002 Barrie R. Nault: “Interorganizational Information Technology Offered to Consumers: Pricing”
  • 90-MIS-003 Frederick H. Lochovsky, Carson C. Woo, Lawrence J. Williams: “A Micro-Organizational Model for Supporting Knowledge Migration”
  • 90-MIS-004 Carson C. Woo: “SACT: A Tool for Automating Semi-Structured Organizational Communication”
  • 90-MIS-005 Michael Johnston, Yair Wand, Mike Curran: “An Expert System to Support Prescribed Burning Decisions”
  • 90-MIS-006 Marius A. Janson, Carson C. Woo: “Supporting Information Systems Analysis with Speech Act Theory”
  • 90-MIS-007 Yair Wand, Ron Weber: “Toward a Theory of the Deep Structure of Information Systems”
  • 90-MIS-008 Ken Takagaki, Yair Wand: “A Formalism for Object-Based Information Systems Development”
  • 90-MIS-009 Frank Lim, Izak Benbasat: “A Communication-Based Framework for the Group Interface in Computer-Supported Collaboration”
  • 90-MIS-010 Izak Benbasat, Frank Lim, Peter Todd: “The User-Computer Interface in Systems Design”
  • 90-MIS-011 V. Srinivasan Rao, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa: “Computer Support of Groups: Theory-Based Models for GDSS Research”
  • 90-MIS-012 Gary C. Moore, Izak Benbasat: “An Examination of the Adoption of Information Technology by End Users: A Diffusion of Innovations Perspective”
  • 90-MIS-013 Marius A. Janson: “The Role of Communicative Action in the Construction of Decision Support Systems”
  • 90-MIS-014 Dan Paulson, Yair Wand: “On the Completeness and Consistency of Information System Specifications” (Revised July 1993)
  • 90-MIS-015 Carson C. Woo, Frederick H. Lochovsky: “MOAP: An Architecture for Supporting Organizational Activities”.
  • 90-MIS-016 Tao Zeng: “An Organizational Communication Protocol Based on Speech Acts: Design, (T.R.) Verification and Formal Specifications”
  • 90-MIS-017 Izak Benbasat, Peter Todd: “An Experimental Investigation of Iconic and Direct Manipulation Interfaces”
  • 90-MIS-018 Peter Todd, Izak Benbasat: “An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Computer Based Decision Aids on Processing Effort”
  • 90-MIS-019 Carson C. Woo, Tao Zeng: “An Application Layer Communication Protocol for Supporting Organization Work”
  • 90-MIS-020 Barrie R. Nault, Albert S. Dexter: “Information Technology in Support of Underlying Goods: Taxes or Subsidies
  • 90-MIS-021 Albert S. Dexter, Maurice D. Levi, Barrie R. Nault: “Freely Determined Versus Regulated Prices: Implications for the Link Between Money and Inflation”
  • 90-MIS-022 Jeffrey Parsons: “A Concept Theory Based Information Systems Model”
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