
Sauder Distinguished Fellows

The Sauder Distinguished Fellow Program recognizes exceptional Scholars in other Faculties in UBC who can assist Sauder in promoting Sauder’s strategic mission through collaboration and engagement. This program is intended to enhance collaboration between Sauder and scholars in other Faculties who have significant expertise in areas that Sauder’s faculty do not cover.


  • Full-time, tenured or tenure-stream UBC faculty member.
  • Exceptional reputation in research and or areas of strategic importance to Sauder.
  • Ability and willingness to engage with the Sauder, especially its centres (as applicable) and the Dean’s office.

Sauder Distinguished Fellows (2023 - 2026):

Carol Liao

Carol Liao

Associate Professor
Allard School of Law

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Sheryl Lightfoot

Sheryl Lightfoot

Canada Research Chair of Global Indigenous Rights and Politics
Professor with the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, Department of Political Science, and First Nations and Indigenous Studies at the University of British Columbia.


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  • Get in touch

    Jessie Lam 
    Manager, Research Support Services and Special Projects 
    +1 604.822.8399