Brand Management Mentorship Program


  • BMMP has evolved to a two-wave program: Full-time & Internship. These waves address the needs of students seeking different types of employment, Full-Time vs an Internship. If you are in your last academic year at school and are seeking full time employment starting Summer of the following year (ie. May 2024+) then you should be applying for the full time wave. If you are seeking an internship starting Summer of the following year (ie. May 2024+) then you should be applying for the intern wave. There is no difference in curriculum or level of support provided in terms of CV/Resume edits. The only difference is what cohort you are competing with to secure a spot in the final resume package that goes out to companies.

  • It is mandatory that you commit to attending all BMMP sessions and hand in all deliverables on time. What you get out of the program is what you put in so you control your ultimate participation. However, past mentees will tell you that the program requires roughly at least 100+ hours.

  • Yes but please highlight this to us in your application, especially as to which work terms you are looking to fill.

  • Your attendance is mandatory for all lab dates and interview sessions. Mentors are flying in from outside of Vancouver to run these sessions so you will not get a make-up session. In excruciating circumstances that would help improve your overall candidacy for future job prospects, we will make alternate arrangements with you (such as call-in, Skype) but mentees who have done this in the past have found that their learning was greatly impacted due to unavoidable technological issues.

  • Your attendance is mandatory for all lab dates and interview sessions. If the job secured would help improve your overall candidacy for future job prospects, we will make alternate arrangements with you (such as call-in, Skype) but mentees who have done this in the past have found that their learning was greatly impacted due to unavoidable technological issues.

  • The Brand industry is not only competitive but has an ever-changing landscape. Companies hire for roles in Brand Management, Category Management, Trade Marketing, and Business Development. The mentors have evaluated a list of companies that continue to have an active marketing department that would hire both full time and interns and we are hopeful that we can continue to work with them to find interesting opportunities for our mentees. We would like to stress that this program DOES NOT guarantee you a job placement, but we arm you with an effective resume, stronger interview skills and ultimately a better understanding of the industry and career so you can land the dream roles as they become available. We care a lot about our mentees and take it to heart to provide as many opportunities to them as we can secure. 

    Examples of Full-time and Internship Placements from the past two years:

    Full-time wave:

    • L'Oreal, Assistant Brand Manager

    • Kraft Foods, Assistant Brand Manager

    • Labatt, Trade Marketing Specialist

    • Vega, Trade Marketing Specialist

    • BCAA, Associate Marketing Manager

    • Olive Media, Product Manager

    • Telus, Management Development Program

    Internship wave:

    • Nature's Path, Brand Internship

    • Johnson & Johnson, Brand Internship

    • L’Oreal, Brand Internship

    • PepsiCo, Brand Internship
    • Dr. Oetker, Brand Internship

    • Left Coast Naturals, Brand Internship

    • Rethink, Agency Internship

    • Grey Canada, Advertising Internship

    • Cossette Media, Media Internship

  • The program is designed around Brand Management of CPG companies and that’s where the mentors expertise lie. However, majority of the skills developed throughout the program are very useful and transferable across industries. We have had mentees go through the program to discover that brand management is not for them, but apply what they’ve learned to secure their dream roles, whether it be in Tech, Consulting, Agency or otherwise.

  • The program begins once you apply and are accepted into the program. Please review to the Program Overview for the current year's important dates.

  • Each lab varies but generally they can start as early as 8am and end as late as 6pm. They are long days as mentors are only able to stay in town for a limited amount of time but breaks are available throughout the day to minimize fatigue and optimize learning.

  • The program is designed around Brand Management and that’s where the mentors’ expertise lies. However, majority of the skills developed throughout the program are very useful and transferable across industries. We have had mentees go through the program to discover that brand management is not for them, but apply what they’ve learned to secure their dream roles, whether it be in Agency or otherwise. In particular, we do have mentors who work in agency and can help you discover more about that industry.

  • We recognize that brand management is certainly not for everyone. If at any point in time through the program you feel that you need to leave the program, it is vital that you keep lines of communication open with both the mentors and our faculty coordinator, Professor Tim Silk. Refunds will not be granted after you have attended the first session but we can be flexible on a case-by-case basis.

  • After you find out you have been accepted into the program and before the first kick off session. You will have a few days to do this.

  • This program is subsidized by the Dean's office and the CUS. Your fees are used to help run the program and pay primarily for the travel costs to bring the mentors to you since most mentors work at head offices in Toronto and Montreal.

Image of woman with a headset talking
  • Have a question?

    Our team is happy to help.

  • Get in touch

    Questions can be addressed to with subject line stating “BMMP Inquiry.”