Real Estate Division

BCFSA Continuing Education

The continuing education courses offered by the BC Financial Services Authority are designed to ensure that real estate licensees in British Columbia obtain, maintain, and enhance the skills necessary to protect the public and ensure awareness of emerging trends and issues.

In order to renew your license, all real estate licensees are required to complete the following courses during their two-year licensing period:

  1. Legal Update
  2. Ethics – Building Your Business Culture

For detailed information on renewing your licence, please click here

Continuing Education Courses Delivery format Tuition Register
Legal Update Blended (online and classroom) $275


Ethics – Building Your Business Culture Blended (online and
virtual classroom)


Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate
- Real estate licensees were required to complete the Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate course if their licence expired between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022.
- After March 31, 2022, completion of this course is no longer required for the purposes of relicensing but may be required by BCFSA as part of licence requalification, licensee discipline, etc.
Online only $100

Registration link available upon request


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