
Entrepreneurs disrupt the status quo and push the boundaries of possibility.

UBC provides emerging innovators and entrepreneurs with the resources and networks they need to translate bold new ideas into business ventures that have the potential to drive change and impact society. As you grow your business and experience success, you help create a culture of giving back that multiplies our collective capacity to find solutions to pressing issues. By making a pledge, you are supporting the next generation of innovators and leaders who will change the world.

About the pledge

The UBC Sauder Founders’ Pledge is a personal, nonbinding commitment to support our school. Following a liquidity event, you will make a gift that is meaningful to you, towards an initiative of your choice, when the time is right for you. In the meantime, our team can connect you with campus contacts and resources to explore recruitment, visibility, networking, and other opportunities. By making this commitment, you build forward-thinking philanthropy into your business ethos.

Make the pledge

Your pledge to make a significant gift to UBC in the future signals your intention to invest in an ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurs who work together to build a better tomorrow. You will join a community of like-minded alumni and entrepreneurs who share your passion in supporting UBC’s research, programs and mission. Plus, it’s a way to show confidence in your future success.

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  • Contact Information

  • Ryley Humphry
    Director of Development, Development & Alumni Engagement

    Phone: 604.822.0192
