
Rental Property: Issues and Implications for REALTORS® - Accelerated is an on-demand course that covers a range of aspects and issues that REALTORS® need to be aware of when dealing with the sale of residential rental properties. Ask yourself, how familiar are you with the Residential Tenancy Act? What types of clauses or protections do you need to build into the contract of purchase and sale to protect your client when buying or selling such properties? And finally, what can you do as a listing agent to get the tenant on your side and be cooperative in the sale process?

This course covers the fundamentals of the Residential Tenancy Act, the importance of residential tenancy agreements, and the key rights and duties of the landlord and tenant. As well, it focuses on buyers and sellers tenant-occupied properties and what you, as their REALTOR®, can do to assist them throughout the process. So, if you’re looking to build your expertise to better serve your clients when buying or selling tenant-occupied properties, register for this Sauder School of Business Real Estate Division and Greater Vancouver REALTORS® course now!

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