
Z. Eddie Ning

Eddie Ning

Z. Eddie Ning

BA (UC Berkeley), PhD (UC Berkeley)
Assistant Professor, Marketing and Behavioural Science Division

Selected publications

  • Ning, Z. E., Shin, J., and Yu, J. (2024). Targeted Advertising: Strategic Mistargeting And Personal Data Opt-Out. Marketing Science, forthcoming.

  • Ning, Z. E. (2024). Bargaining Between Collaborators Of A Stochastic Project.
    RAND Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

  • Cao, H.H, Ma, L., Ning, Z.E., and Sun, B. (2023). How Does Competition Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation? A Tale of Two Recommendation Algorithms. Management Science, forthcoming.
  • Ning, Z. E., Villas-Boas, J. M. (2022). Following the customers: dynamic competitive repositioning. Management Science68(2), 1002-1018.
  • Ning, Z. E., Villas-Boas, J. M. (2023). Browse or experience.
    Marketing Science, 42(2).
  • Ning, Z. E. (2021). List price and discount in a stochastic selling process. Marketing Science40(2), 366-387.

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