
Xin Zheng

Xin Zheng 2023

Xin Zheng

BSc, Business Administration (Ohio State); BSc, Mathematical Science (Ohio State);
MPS (Cornell); PhD (Emory)
Assistant Professor, Accounting and Information Systems Division

Selected publications

  • Zheng, X. (2021). A Tale of Two Enforcement Venues: Determinants and Consequences of the SEC's Choice of Enforcement Venue After the Dodd-Frank Act. The Accounting Review, 96.6 (2021): 451-476. Winner of the 2021 AAA Competitive Manuscript Award.

  • Rajgopal, S., S. Srinivasan and X. Zheng. 2021. Measuring Audit Quality. Review of Accounting Studies, 26(2), 559-619.

  • Hutton, A. P., Shu, S., & Zheng, X. (2021). Regulatory Transparency and the Alignment of Private and Public Enforcement: Evidence from the Public Disclosure of SEC Comment Letters. Journal of Financial Economics, 145(1), 297-321.

  • Millar, M., White, R.M. & Zheng, X. (2022). Substance Abuse and Workplace Fraud: Evidence from Physicians. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(2),585-602. 

  • Dichev, I., & Zheng, X. (2024). The Volatility of Stock Investor Returns. Journal of Financial Markets, forthcoming.

  • Lundholm, R., & Zheng, X. (2024). The Changing Nature of Financial Analysis in the Presence of ETFs. Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.

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