
Tom Knight

Tom Knight

Tom Knight

BA (Hampshire College), MS PhD (Cornell)
Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Division

Selected publications

  • Knight, T., McPhillips, D., Shetzer, L. (1992). Culpable Non-Performance vs. Non-Culpable Incompetence: The Canadian Arbitration and Adjudication Experience. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 47(3), 529-546.
  • Knight, T. (1988). "Reply" to Michael J. Goldberg, "Propensity to Sue and the Duty of Fair Representation: A Second Point of View. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 41(3), 461-464.
  • Knight, T., McPhillips, D. (1989). Technological Change and Collective Bargaining in Canada. Employee Relations, 11(4), 17-20.
  • Knight, T. (1987). The Role of the Duty of Fair Representation in Union Grievance Decisions. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 42(4), 716-736.
  • Knight, T. (1987). Tactical Use of the Duty of Fair Representation: An Empirical Analysis.Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 40(2), 180-194.

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