
Thomas McCormick

Thomas McCormick

Thomas McCormick

AB (Penn), PhD (Stanford)
WJ Van Dusen Professor in Management
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • J. Matuschke, S.T. McCormick, G. Oriolo, B. Peis, M. Skutella (2017).  Protection of Flows under Targeted Attacks. OR Letters, 45, 53–59.
  • A. Fischer, F. Fischer, and S.T. McCormick (2017). Matroid Optimisation Problems with Nested Non-Linear Monomials in the Objective Function.  Math. Prog., Paper (a preliminary version was a poster at IPCO 2014.
  • Y. Bo, M. Dawande, G. Janakiraman, and S.T. McCormick (2017).  On Integral Policies in Deterministic and Stochastic Distribution Systems.  OR, 65, 703–711.
  • J. Shao, H. Krishnan, and S.T. McCormick (2016). Gray Markets and Supply Chain Incentives. POM. 25, 1807-1819.
  • H. Aissi, A.R. Mahjoub, S.T. McCormick and M. Queyranne (2015). Strongly Polynomial Bounds for Multiobjective and Parametric Global Minimum Cuts in Graphs and Hypergraphs.  To appear in Math. Prog.; conference version appears as "A Strongly Polynomial Time Algorithm for Multicriteria Global Minimum Cuts" in Proceedings of IPCO 2014. J. Lee and J. Vygen (eds.) LNCS 8494, 25-36.

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