
Thomas Davidoff

Thomas Davidoff

Thomas Davidoff

BA (Harvard), MPA/URP (Princeton), PhD (MIT)
Stanley Hamilton Professorship in Real Estate Finance
Director, UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate
Associate Professor, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • Davidoff, T., Pavolv, A., Somerville, T. (2022) "Not In My Neighbor’s Back Yard : External Effects of Density" Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 128.
  • Davidoff, T. and Welke, G.M.  (2017)  "The Role of Appreciation and Borrower Characteristics in Reverse Mortgage Terminations"  Journal of Real Estate Research: 2017, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 99-126
  • Davidoff, T. "Supply Constraints Are Not Valid Instrumental Variables for Home Prices Because They Are Correlated With Many Demand Factors"  Critical Finance Review, Vol. 6, 2016
  • Davidoff, T. "Can 'High Costs' Justify Weak Demand for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage?" Review of Financial Studies (2015) 28 (8): 2364-2398
  • Davidoff, T (2013) "Supply Elasticity and the Housing Cycle of the 2000s.  Real Estate Economics, 41(4), 793-813.

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