
Sanghoon Lee

Sanghoon Lee

Sanghoon Lee

BA (Seoul Nat'l), PhD (Minnesota)
Associate Professor, Strategy and Business Economics

Selected publications

  • Lee, S., Lee, J.(forthcoming)  "Natural Amenities, Neighborhood Dynamics, and Persistence in the Spatial Distribution of Income" Review Economic Studies
  • Holmes, T., Hsu, W., Lee, S. (2014) "Allocative Efficiency, Mark-ups, and the Welfare Gains from Trade", Journal of International Economics, 94(2), November 2014, pp.195-206
  • Lee, S., Li, !. (2013) "Uneven Landscapes and the City Size Distributions"  Journal of Urban Economics, 78, 19-29
  • Lee, S.,Ries, J., Somerville, T., (2013) "Repairs under Imperfect Information", Journal of Urban Economics 73(1), 43-56
  • Holmes, T., Lee, S., (2012) "Economies of Density versus Natural Advantage; Crop Choice on the Back Forty" Review of Economics and Statistics., 94(1), 1-19, Lead article

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