
Samuel Roscoe


Samuel Roscoe

M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph.D. (University of Manchester Business School)
Lecturer, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications 

  • Roscoe S., Cousins, P., Handfield, R. (2023) “Transitioning additive manufacturing from rapid prototyping to high volume production: A case study of complex final products” Journal of Product Innovation Management 
  • Bendoly, E., Chandrasekaran, A., Siavash, H.K., Handfield, R. Roscoe, S. (2023) The Role of Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing Capabilities in Developing Human-AI symbiosis: Evidence from Multiple Case Studies  Decision Sciences
  • Roscoe, S; Aktas, E., Petersen, K., Skipworth, H., Handfield, R,  Habib, F. (2022) “Redesigning global supply chains during compounding geopolitical disruptions: The role of supply chain logics” International Journal of Operations and Production Management  
  • Shaheen, I., Azadegan, A, Roscoe, S. (2021), “Who Takes Risks? A Framework on Organizational Risk-Taking during Sudden-Onset Disasters”; Production and Operations Management 
  • Roscoe S., Cousins, P., Handfield, R. (2019). “The Microfoundations of an Operational Capability in Digital Manufacturing “. Journal of Operations Management. 65 (8) pp. 774-793  

Links and other information