Richard Pollay research

Cigarette Marketing and Advertising

Prof. Pollay's last two decade of scholarship focused heavily on tobacco marketing.  Some of the most requested papers are available for download here by clicking on the hyperlinks for pdf files.

Pollay, Richard W. [2018], “SKOAL Media Advertising: Chronologies of Copy and Art (Illustrated) in Print and Digital Media and some Film and Video Resources,” Working Paper 18.01 (Oct.), History of Advertising Archives, UBC, Vancouver, BC, 29p.

Pollay, Richard W. [2018], “SKOAL Promotion & Merchandising: Wearables, ‘New & Improved’ Products, Promotional Events and Retail Tools (Illustrated),” Working Paper 18.02 (Oct.), History of Advertising Archives, UBC, Vancouver, BC, 28p.

Pollay, Richard W. [2018], “SKOAL Racing Models and Toys (Illustrated),” Working Paper 18.03 (Oct.), History of Advertising Archives, UBC, Vancouver, BC, 92p.

Pollay, Richard W. [2008], “Newport Marketing and Advertising 1957-1995: Evidence from Corporate Documents and the Historical Record,” Sauder School of Business History of Advertising Archives Working Paper 08.1, 15pp.

Pollay, Richard W. [2007], “More than Meets the Eye: The Import of Retail Cigarette Merchandising,” Tobacco Control, Vol. 16 #4  (August 2007),270-274.

Pollay, Richard W. [2007], “History of Cigarette Advertising,” in Jeffrey Jensen Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, p175-178.

Stacey Anderson, Pam Ling and Richard W. Pollay [2006], "Taking Ad-vantage of Consumers: Advertising Light Cigarettes: Reassuring and Distracting Concerned Smokers", Social Science & Medicine, 2006, Vol. 63 #8, pp1973-1985.

Pollay, Richard W. [2004], "Considering the Evidence, No Wonder the Court Upheld Canada's Regulation of Cigarette Advertising", Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol 12 #1 (Spring), 80-88.

Richard W. Pollay and Timothy Dewhirst [2003], "A Premiere Example of the Illusion of Harm Reduction Cigarettes in the 1990s", Tobacco Control, Vol. 12 #4; 322-332.

Pollay Richard W. [2003], "A Zebras in Russia! Where next?"  Tobacco Control, 2003, 12 #1 (March), 89-90.

Muggli, M.E., R.W. Pollay, R Lew, AM Joseph [2002], "Targeting of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders by the Tobacco Industry: Results from the Minnesota Tobacco Document Depository",  Tobacco Control, Vol.11 #3 (Fall), p201-209.

Richard W. Pollay [2002], "How Cigarette Advertising Works: Rich Imagery and Poor Information",  Toronto, ON: Ontario Tobacco Research Unit, Special Report Series, June, 54p. [part 1] [part 2]

K. Michael Cummings and Richard W. Pollay [2002], "Exposing Mr. Butts: Tricks of the Trade",  Discoveries and Disclosures in the Tobacco Documents (Editorial), Tobacco Control Special Issue, Vol. 11 Supplement #1, pi1-i4.

Richard W. Pollay and Timothy Dewhirst [2002], "The Dark Side of Marketing Seemingly Light Cigarettes: Successful Images and Failed Fact", Discoveries and Disclosures in the Tobacco Documents, Tobacco ControlSpecial Issue, Vol. 11 Supplement #1, pi18-i31.

Richard W. Pollay and Timothy Dewhirst [2001], "Marketing Cigarettes with Low Machine-Measured Yields", Chapter 7 in Risks Associated with Smoking Cigarettes with Low Machine-Measured Yields of Tar and Nicotine, Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph No. 13, Bethesda, Md., U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, p199-235. [part 1] [part 2] [part 3]

Pollay, Richard W. [2001], "Marketing Cigarettes to Women", in Women and Smoking"  A report of the Surgeon General.  Rockville, MD: U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 2001, p490-546 (final edit by others). [part 1] [part 2]

Pollay, Richard W. [2001], "Export Ads Are Extremely Expert, Eh?", Tobacco Control, Vol. 10 (2001), p71-74.

Pollay, Richard W. [2001], "Targeting Youth and Concerned Smokers: Evidence from Canadian Tobacco Industry Documents",  Tobacco Control, Vol. 9 #2 (June), p136-147. 

Pollay, Richard W. and Timothy Dewhirst [1998], "The Unscientific Perspective of the Tobacco Industry Research Committee [1954]",  History of Advertising Archives, Working Paper #98.5, August, 11p.

Pollay, Richard W. [1998], "Bah, Humbug!",Regulation: The Cato Review of Business & Government, Vol. 21 #2 (Spring), p4-5.

Pollay, Richard W. [1998], "A Brief History of Tobacco Advertising Targeting African Americans", Appendix to Ch 4., Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups - African Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics: A Report of the Surgeon General.  Atlanta, Georgia: U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health. [part 1] [part 2]

Pollay, Richard W. [1997], “Who Are They Kidding: Tobacco Marketing Targets Youth,” Policy Options, Vol. 18 #5 (June 1997), 7-11.

Pollay, Richard W. [1997], "Hacks, Flacks and Counter-Attacks: Cigarette Advertising, Sponsored Research and Controversies,Journal of Social Issues, special issue on tobacco control, Bryan Gibson, ed., Vol. 53 #1 (March), p53-74.

Pollay, Richard W., S. Siddarth, Michael Siegel, Anne Haddix, Robert K. Merritt, Gary A. Giovino, and Michael P. Eriksen [1996], "The Last Straw? Cigarette Advertising and Realized Market Shares among Youths and Adults, 1979-1993," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 60 #2 (April), 1-16.

O'Keefe, Anne Marie and Richard W. Pollay [1996], "Deadly Targeting of Women in Promoting Cigarettes," Journal of the American Medical Women Association, Vol. 51 #1/2 (Jan/Apr), 67-69.

Pollay, Richard W.[1995], "Nicotine Addiction is a Deadly Pediatric Disease: Towards Understanding Marketing's Epidemiological Role," Marketing & Public Policy Conference (Atlanta, May), 1p Table Exhibit.

Pollay, Richard W.[1995], "`Below the Belt' Cigarette Advertising," Tobacco Control, Vol 4 #2 (Summer), 188-191.

Pollay, Richard W. [1995], "Targeting Tactics in Selling Smoke: Youthful Aspects of 20th Century Cigarette Advertising," Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 3 #1 (Winter), 1-22.

Pollay, Richard W. [1994], "The Cowboy and Camel are Strange" (poem), Journal of Advertising, Vol. 23 #4 (Dec), np (facing p1).

Pollay, Richard W. [1994], "A History of Cigarette Advertising to the Young," in Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of the Surgeon General.  Atlanta, GA: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office on Smoking and Health, 1994, 164-179. [part 1] [part 2] [part 3]

Pollay, Richard W. [1994], "Exposure of Youth to U.S. Cigarette Broadcast Advertising in the 1960s," Tobacco Control, Vol. 3 #2 (Summer), 130-133.

Pollay, Richard W. [1994], "Promises, Promises: Self-Regulation of US Cigarette Broadcast Advertising in the 1960s," Tobacco Control, Vol. 3 #2 (Summer), 134-144.

Pollay, Richard W. [1993], "Pertinent Research and Impertinent Opinion: On Our Contributions to the Cigarette Advertising Public Policy Debates," Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22 #4 (Dec), 110-117.

Pollay, Richard W. [1993], "The Changing Character of American Cigarette Advertising: Content Analysis Findings," in M. Joseph Sirgy, Kenneth D. Bain and Tunc Erem, eds., World Marketing Congress, Vol. 6.  Istanbul: Academy of Marketing Science, July, 297-301.

Pollay, Richard W. and Anne Lavack [1993], "The Targeting of Youth by Cigarette Marketers: Archival Evidence on Trial," in Leigh McAlister and Michael L. Rothschild, eds., Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 20, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 266-271.

Pollay, Richard W., Jung S. Lee and David Carter-Whitney [1992] "Separate, But Not Equal: Racial Segmentation in Cigarette Advertising," Journal of Advertising, 16 #1 (March), 45-57.

Pollay, Richard W. and Jean Kilbourne [1992], "Pack of Lies" [Film]. Northhampton, MA: Foundation for Media Education (ad).

Pollay, Richard W. [1991], "Signs and Symbols in Cigarette Advertising: A Historical Analysis of the Use of Pictures of Health," in Hanne Hartvig-Larsen, David G. Mick and Christian Alsted, eds, Marketing & Semiotics.  Copenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag, 160-176.

Pollay, Richard W. [1990], "Information and Imagery in Contemporary Canadian Cigarette Ads," in Patricia Stout, ed., Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Austin, TX: University of Texas, 74-79.

Pollay, Richard W. [1990], "Propaganda, Puffing and the Public Interest: The Scientific Smoke Screen for Cigarettes," Public Relations Review, Vol. 16 #3, 39-54.

Pollay, Richard W. [1989], "Filter, Flavor ... Flim-Flam, Too!: Cigarette Advertising Content and Its Regulation," Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 8, 30-39.