
Kristin Rotte

Kristin Rotte

Kristin Rotte

BSBA (Xavier University), Ph.D. (University of Cincinnati)
Sessional Lecturer, Marketing and Behavioural Science Division

Kristin has over 15 years’ experience in Marketing.  Prior to earning her PhD, Kristin worked at Fidelity Investments, as well as a licensed real estate agent in the state of Ohio.  Kristin has been teaching at the Sauder School of Business at UBC since 2017.  Kristin’s current teaching focuses on applied Marketing, where students have an opportunity to work for actual clients.  In addition to COMM 468, Kristin has been part of the teaching team in the Urban Resilience course over the past several years, supervising masters-level student teams engaged in addressing resilience challenges in cities around the world.  Kristin’s research interests lie in customer satisfaction, customer migration and the intersection of real estate and marketing. Kristin’s dissertation on customer migration won two awards: American Marketing Association TechSIG Best Dissertation Award and the MSI Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal award.

Prior to moving to Vancouver, she was a Senior Lecturer at the Australian School of Business/Australian Graduate School of Management (University of New South Wales), where she was the course leader for Marketing Principles in the nation-wide MBA (Executive) program, overseeing a team of 15 instructors across Australia.  Outside of teaching and research, Kristin is a mother of three daughters and a volunteer at her kids’ schools and a soccer coach.  Kristin is also an active curler with the Vancouver Curling Club, and has a passion for all aspects of real estate.

Selected publications

  • Chandrashekaran, Murali, Kristin Rotte, Stephen S. Tax and Rajdeep Grewal (2007), “Satisfaction Strength and Customer Loyalty,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44(February), 153-163.          
  • Rotte, Kristin, Murali Chandrashekaran, Stephen S. Tax and Rajdeep Grewal (2006), “Forgiven but Not Forgotten:  Covert Uncertainty in Overt Responses and the Paradox of Defection-Despite-Trust,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16(3), 281-292.
  • Chandrashekaran, Murali, Kristin Rotte and Rajdeep Grewal (2005), “Knowledge in Error: Decoding Consumer Judgments with the JUMP Model,” in Applying Social Cognition to Consumer focused Strategy, Kardes, F. R., Herr, P. M., & Nantel, J. (Eds.), Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (August).


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