
Jonathan Berkowitz

Jonathan Berkowitz

Jonathan Berkowitz

BSc, MSc (Alberta), PhD (Toronto)
Lecturer, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • Bacenas AAP, Ricketss CA, Berkowitz J, Caron NR, "GP Surgery: Anyone Insterested?" Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine (in press, to appear in 2014).
  • MacKay FD, Anderson JE, Klein MC, Berkowitz J. et al.  "The modified medical office assistant role in rural diabetes care." Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 19(2): 49-56, 2014.
  • Gambling DR, Berkowitz J., Farrell TR, Pue AF, Shay DC. " A randomized controlled comparison of epidural analgesia and combined spinal-epidural analgesia in a private practice setting: pain scores during first and second stages of labor and at delivery." Anesthesia and Analgesia 116: 636-43, 2013
  • Kassam R, Collins, JB, Berkowtiz J. "Patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care delivery in community pharmacies" Patient Preference and Adherence 6: 337-348, 2012. 
  • Robinson C, Kolesar S, Boyko M, Berkowitz J, et al. "Awareness of do-not-resuscitate orders: What do patients know and want?" Canadian Family Physician 58:e229-33, 2012

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