
Derek Atkins

Derek Atkins

Derek Atkins

BA (Oxon), MSc (Lancaster), PhD (Warwick)
E.D. MacPhee Chair in Management
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • Chen, Jing, Anjali Awasthi, Steven Shechter, Derek Atkins, Linda Lemke, Les Fisher, Peter Dodek.  "Using Operations Research to Plan Improvement of the Transport of Critically ill Patients", J. Prehospital Emergency care, 2013, 17.4, 466-474.
  • Liping, Liang, Derek Atkins, "Designing Service Level Agreements for Inventory Management", Production and Operations Management 2013 (to appear).
  • Noonan, V., A. Santos, R. Lewis, A. Singh, M. Fehlings, L. Soril, M. Dvorak, D. Atkins, "The Application of Operations Research Methodologies to the Delivery of Care Model for Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: the Access to Care and Timing (ACT) project. Journal of Neurotrauma, September 2012, 29: 2272-2282
  • Zhang, Yue, Martin Puterman and Derek Atkins "Residential Long-Term Care Capacity Planning: The Shortcomings of Ratio Based Healthcare Policy 7(4) 2012 68-81
  • Zhang, Yue, Martin Puterman, Matthew Nelson, Derek Atkins, to appear, "A Simulation Optimization Approach to Long-term care Capacity Planning", Operations Research March 2012, 60 249-261

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