
5 things you didn’t know about the UBC Sauder Co-op Program

5 things you didn’t know about the UBC Sauder Co-op Program
Posted 2023-07-28

Thinking about applying for Co-op? Trying to determine if it’s the right path for you? Phil Seo, Associate Director of the UBC Sauder Co-op Program, reveals five things that may help you decide. 

The UBC Sauder Co-op Program gives Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) students the opportunity to gain new skills and expand their professional network through three 4-month work terms in their chosen field over the course of their undergraduate degree. 

Applications open in September, but before you apply to Co-op, here are some important things to know. You’ll thank me later! 

1.    You won’t move through the program alone 

As soon as you get into Co-op, you are matched with a small group that includes one senior Co-op student and typically three other new Co-op students as part of the Co-op Student Mentorship Program. 

This group will answer questions and provide support as you begin searching for your first Co-op work term. The senior students remember what job searching feels like in the early days of the program, and offer invaluable coaching and encouragement.  

With 280 students, including 65 mentors, the Co-op Student Mentorship Program is the largest peer student mentorship program across all of UBC, and the only one of this size at any Co-op business school across Canada. As a Co-op student, you will be welcomed into a community where you can fully expect to give and receive help to your fellow UBC Sauder Co-op students. 

2.    You will have access to more job postings 

Co-op students have access to more job postings on Career Options On-Line (COOL), an online career management system available exclusively for UBC Sauder students and alumni. You will see roughly 2,670 postings1 for the September and January work terms that aren’t visible to non-Co-op BCom students. 

With so many opportunities posted all in one place, you won’t have to spend as much time combing other job boards – one of the most tedious parts of job hunting!

3.    It’s hard work 

Finding a job is hard work and it’s filled with many emotional ups and downs. On average, students spend 10 to 15 hours per week on search-related activities (e.g., resume and cover letter writing, interview prep, networking, coffee chats, and conducting research into companies) to find their first Co-op work term. Many students say that job searching is harder than getting into the Co-op program since it can be a much longer process. Data shows that the average student will apply to 23 jobs2 before being the successful candidate. 

Here at UBC Sauder, we use the words “Co-op landing” instead of “Co-op placement.” This more accurately reflects the proactive and dedicated approach students have to take to land a great role. 

4.    The pay bump 

On average, those who participate in the UBC Sauder Co-op Program make $13,2353 more in new grad starting salary than their BCom peers. And the convincing numbers don’t stop there. Approximately 50 per cent of Co-op students secure their post-graduation jobs with a previous Co-op employer, which means you may not need to spend as much time searching for full-time permanent roles during your last year of school. Instead, you can focus on your studies, your friends and family, and enjoying the finals months of your undergraduate experience. 

5.    You will have full-time student status 

Co-op is the only way for domestic and international students to work full-time in the academic year and maintain full-time student status. This has many advantages and provides you with broader on-campus housing options, qualifies you for the U-Pass BC, and maintains your eligibility for bursaries, scholarships, and loans. 

Still have questions? You’re in luck! Our upcoming info session on August 21, 2024 is now open for registration

1 COOL job postings 2022-23
2 Co-op work term data 2022-23
3 SEAT 2022 graduation data