
Five ways to stand out as a leader

Chad Brealey
Posted 2024-02-26

In the fast-paced world of business, the mastery of effective communication is crucial for successful leadership. Chad Brealey, Associate at UBC Sauder Executive Education, draws from his diverse background in media, publishing, and advertising to share just how leaders can elevate themselves and stand out.

Five ways to stand out as a leader

1. Improve your soft skills

Often undervalued, “soft skills” stand as a defining factor in setting exceptional leaders apart. First, identify your specific communication challenges. Then analyze your goals and look to channel your interpersonal skills before conveying a clear message.

By actively building human connections, you can make the impact you aspire to achieve.

2. Create actionable outcomes

Our goal is to transform communication into actionable outcomes. Define your communication goals; do they involve a marketing overhaul, making a substantial budget decision, or selling ideas to internal and external teams? Work to streamline your message then establish one through line of information. When successful your idea will move from one person to the next and action will inevitably follow.

3.  Be prepared

The better prepared you are, the more effective you will be able to steer conversations, think on your feet and create strong first and last impressions. Thoroughly review your messaging, rehearsing if necessary, and when writing communications ensure your spelling and grammar are tight, and flawless. Any oversight, no matter how minor, has the potential to undermine the focus of an audience and erode their trust in your message.

4. Engage your audience

Understanding and responding to your audience is key to fostering respectful relationships with stakeholders. True audience engagement takes more than just the words; a compelling narrative and a delivery that resonates on a personal level, both encourage an audience to engage with you and your message. In an in-person setting, tactics like using eye contact and body language effectively can help captivate attention and, if necessary, regain it when it wanes.

5. Be yourself

Being truthful is paramount when communicating as a leader. It becomes readily apparent if somebody is reading from a script, so strive to speak in your own voice and cadence. You are a strength, so bring your personality to the table. This approach fosters a stronger connection, enhances relatability, and creates a more comfortable environment for all involved.

Learn more about Elevate Your Executive Presence, led by Associate, Chad Brealey.


Meet Chad Brealey


Meet Chad Brealey, an esteemed associate at UBC Sauder Executive Education, specializing in coaching leaders in visionary corporate growth through world-class communication strategies. Chad has taught business communications at UBC Sauder School since 2016, including to Bachelor of Commerce students, and holds a master’s degree in publishing. Bringing diverse perspectives to his teaching, he is a multi-award- winning media producer, writer and program host, and has been an advertising agency creative director.
He is currently the Chief Growth Officer of a Vancouver-based asset management platform start-up. Join his workshop for an energizing, collaborative experience where you can translate your organization’s goals into effective communication paths.