Insights at UBC Sauder

Werner’s blog: Taking stock of Canada's GHG emissions at the start of COP28

Posted 2023-11-30

As the world gathers at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC), from November 30 to December 12 2023 in Dubai, there is some good news and some bad news when it comes to Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels. In his latest blog post, UBC Sauder Associate Professor Werner Antweiler takes stock of where Canada is at with greenhouse gas emissions, and the reasons why more progress has not been made.

Today marks the start of the 28th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, referred to commonly as COP28. It's time to take stock, and for that purpose this blog will show diagrams of GHG emissions over time in Canada and across Canadian provinces. It's a picture of improvement in some places and worsening in other places. Overall, the picture is not pretty. Canada's overall greenhouse gas emissions have barely budged, and we need to understand why.

The charts below show greenhouse gas emissions as recorded in Canada's National GHG Inventory. Emissions are aggregated into sectors that are mostly self-explanatory. The "other" sector captures light manufacturing, construction, and forestry services.

(Use the arrows at the bottom of the following chart carousel to navigate between the charts, or swipe left on your mobile device).

As countries gather to discuss climate change at the COP28 meeting in Dubai, Canada is in no position to celebrate. The charts above show that Canada is not yet on a trajectory to meet its goals it signed to through the Paris Agreement. There is also no consensus across the political spectrum in Canada about the urgency of sustained or even accelerated climate action. Electoral outcomes may have profound impacts on the direction of climate policy in Canada.

Economists embrace efficient market-based climate policies that also address fairness and equity. The "first-best" instrument involves putting a price on the negative externality—carbon emissions —that is equal to its marginal damage: what is known as the social cost of carbon. Today's carbon price at $65/tonne appears to be well below that number, which experts calculate as a range centered around US$185/tonne (about $250/tonne in Canadian currency; see Canada's estimates). Even the federal government's $170/tonne goal for 2030 is likely insufficient to reach the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Yet, there appears little political appetite to accelerate the carbon pricing schedule, and some politicians have voiced ferocious opposition to carbon pricing in general.

Effective carbon pricing can be administered equitably by making it revenue neutral. The federal government's carbon pricing system, which applies in several provinces that do not have their own system such as Ontario and Alberta, returns rebates to all households through quarterly climate action incentive payments. British Columbia's carbon pricing system is more complex because it started off with income tax reductions to make it revenue neutral. More recent increases have been rebated to lower-income households in British Columbia through the quarterly climate action tax credit. The rebates address the income-regressivity of carbon pricing because energy expenses are a larger part of the budget of a lower-income household than a higher-income household. Canceling the carbon tax, as some politicians are demanding, would make lower-income households worse off and mostly benefit rich (and carbon-intensive) households.

Additional carbon policies are needed to address other market failures and market imperfections. For example, ZEV mandates are meant to boost the adoption of electric vehicles, and incentives for electric vehicle charging stations are meant to widen the network of private charging stations. Other incentive programs focus on home heating infrastructure (e.g., heat pumps) and energy efficiency. What these measures have in common is that they address issues where a higher upfront fixed cost creates a barrier to benefiting from lower long-term variable costs. There are numerous information barriers and institutional barriers that specific laws and regulations, as well as incentive programs, need to address.

At the start of COP28, the "elephant in the room" in Canada is the oil and gas industry. There can be no serious progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions without changing this industry's carbon intensity dramatically, and reducing overall emissions. Today, only about 1.3 per cent of emissions (about 2.7 Mtpa) from Canada's oil industry are captured and stored. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) remains expensive, upwards of $200/tonne, and federal and provincial governments have already spent $13 billion on CCUS support. Serious questions remain about the scalability of CCUS and its cost. If the CCUS remains too expensive, it cannot play the role it is envisioned to play. In the short term, the focus needs to be on reducing avoidable emissions (such as methane leakage), and on electrification of all electrifiable production infrastructure using renewable energy sources. To achieve the necessary emission reductions in the oil and gas sector, carbon emissions need to fully face a carbon price that is reflective of the social cost of carbon.

Climate change is already taking a toll on our society. Impactful and effective climate action is urgent. As the journal Nature reported on November 10, 2023: Earth just had its hottest year on record — climate change is to blame.